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plants for chickens


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  • plants for chickens

    hello again can you help me please what can i plant in a plot of soil so that the girls can look for both grubs and eat some plants/veg as well

  • #2
    Anything fast growing and edible! Cut and come again salad might last an hour or so!

    Basically hens will destroy any ground you put them on is short order - thick, uncut turf lasts best and that is measured in days.

    If you want to grow stuff for them to put into the run then I suggest fill a series of plant trays - you will need loads - sow something that grows fast - alfalfa, spinach, mixed lettuce..... and every time you have a mature tray, slide it in. The hens will have trashed it within 24hrs so just swap it out and start again.
    The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


    • #3
      Probably a supremely daft question but I don't suppose theres any remote chance they'd like nettles would they? hoping to get chooks soon and thinking i may take them on day trips to the lottie (for a bit of variation in their foraging and so they get a bit more time out of their run, securely penned in and kept an eye on of course ) unfortunately, most of the uncultivated area is currently nettle/bramble ridden to a greater or lesser extent..
      I have a dream:
      a dream that, one day, chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


      • #4
        Mine leave the nettles well alone, unfortunately.
        They love cauliflowers, cabbages, strawberries........Anything I wouldn't like the to eat really



        • #5
          well it was worth a try... I suspected that would be the case.. i'm sure that i have plenty of more palatable weeds for them, and maybe even some veg, tho i got frosted last night so less than i'd hoped..
          I have a dream:
          a dream that, one day, chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


          • #6
            Chickweed, dandylions and goosegrass (clevers) are the weeds my lot go for most.
            The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


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