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Our June Rescue brought forward to NEXT TUESDAY!


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  • Our June Rescue brought forward to NEXT TUESDAY!

    Re the rescue from Lincolnshire previously posted.

    I have just learnt from the farmer that instead of next month he has decided to turn out his hens next Wednesday, so if we are to bring out any hens we have to do so on TUESDAY next week. This is a month ahead of plan, so I know that this will mean we lose a lot of our rescuers. BUT DON'T STOP READING!

    We are still trying to maximise our rescue by:

    - having a number of co-ordination/collection centres in London, Spalding, Hampshire (to be confirmed), Bishops Stortford and Harrogate , for collection of hens on Tuesday
    - Keeping some hens overnight or longer to allow later collection, maybe up till next weekend
    - Helping deliver hens to help people without transport.

    If you are able to rehome birds at such short notice, PLEASE fill in the questions below and email to me at [email protected], even if you've already posted to me - the extra information will allow me to do the background logistics, fit everything together and rescue as many as possible, now or later. (I�ll also be sending a version of this by email to everyone who�s expressed an interest so far � please fill it in either way, but only once, or I�ll think you�re two people�.)

    1. Numbers

    How many hens are you looking to rehome? (now or later this summer)? <number: >

    Would you be able to take them next week, or would you rather go for July or September?

    2. Transport

    - Would you be able to drive to collect your hens from the nearest collection point to you <yes/no/ up to maximum miles�. >

    - Would you want to collect from London / Harrogate / Bishops Stortford / Spalding / Hampshire?

    - would you be able to do a modest detour to drop off hens to other rehomers on your way back <yes/no>

    - would you need someone to bring hens to my address / closer to you?

    - would you be willing for your phone number to be given to someone else who might liaise with you about transport?

    3. Availability

    If you are able to take hens from the rescue next week, would you be able to collect on tuesday afternoon / evening ?

    Or not till later in week (before Sunday 1 June )

    4. Your details

    (just give one person's details now - if you are collecting hens for anyone else, please bring this information with you on the day)

    Firstname Surname





    Many thanks everybody!

  • #2
    Looking forward to getting our girls on Tues !
    How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


    • #3
      Is anyone bringing any of these hens closer to my side of the country please?
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        Getting mine on Tues too!!
        Kirsty b xx


        • #5
          picked up our 6 ex-bats last night and put them straight to bed with some water... I opened them up this morning at 6am and they finally ventured out of their house at about 10am.... it's now 1830 and they are still outside and doing proper chicken stuff - ie having a good old scratch and peck about! I'm so proud of them!!!

          As far as ex-bats are concerned they are in pretty good nick - they aren't desperately, desperately skinny, their beaks haven't been clipped and their legs are nice and clean - here's hoping they make a full recovery and have a happy long life!!!
          How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


          • #6
            Congratulations Sunbeam. I've had my 5 ex bats since March and love them to bits. They are so healthy now and doing all the things normal chickens do. Mine all have names! Will you be giving your hens names?


            • #7
              Hello shirlthegirl

              I know of a battery farm place selling theirs off for �1 each in Lampeter. I can find you a number if you want it.
              Atomic Apple Design

              "It is a clich� that most clich�s are true, but then like most clich�s, that clich� is untrue."


              • #8
                They have names - Tulip, Rose, Poppy, Bluebell, Daffodil, Snowdrop (do you think there's a theme going on here??) Our last ex-bats were named after gorgeous actresses/characters - audrey (Hepburn) Margo (Ledbetter) Liz (Taylor) and our one non-ex-bat is called Dolly (Parton) cos she's a big girl!! -

                They are laying lots and lots of eggs - we have had approx 5 a day since day two and they seem to love clover - they have cleared the patch in their run, so looking forward to the day they can be let loose on the garden with Audrey and Dolly!
                How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Akela Ben View Post
                  Hello shirlthegirl

                  I know of a battery farm place selling theirs off for �1 each in Lampeter. I can find you a number if you want it.
                  Thanks for that Akela Ben. That is still a 120+ mile round-trip and makes for rather expensive chooks. One of our local free range egg suppliers will be selling some off next summer and I think there are a couple of other places I could contact. If I have no joy for this year I might buy a couple of Japanese bantams for now as younger son fancies some of those.

                  Nice to read that some of the hens rescued are now in their new homes. Can't wait to see some of the pictures.
                  Happy Gardening,


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