One of our 4 hens was looking under the weather - walking like John Wayne, not interested in eating very much, not moving about much, etc. etc. I took her to the vet today and he said he thinks she's probably got egg peritonitis. He's put her on antibiotics and pain killers just in case it's a less serious inflammation, but he said she's hot (apparently normally their legs are cool, so if their legs are hot it's a bad sign), she's lost a lot of weight, her abdomen is swollen, and her comb is dark. We're feeding her on baby food and keeping her inside, away from the other chickens. Has anyone else had a chicken who's had similar-sounding symptoms and survived? And if it is egg peritonitis, do you know how long it'll take to kill her? I forgot to ask that. It's now Friday, and he said to ring him on Tuesday, as Monday is a bank holiday. Oh yes, I forgot also that her rear end has been really poopy - she's had very liquid poos, and it just seems to cling and smell!
Poor thing.