wondering if anyone can advise us re renovating old rabbit hutch for chooks?we recently got 10 POL brown hens & are due to get 2 7week old suffolk pieds next w/e,;we have 3 options & hoping someone may have the wisdom to suggest which would work the best!option 1;attempt to put them in with each other,but concerned due to size&age difference bullying could lead 2 fatality?!option 2;convert my sis's old rabbit hutch for coop & make a seperate enclosure in existing run,to let them get used to each other without danger of death!only prob is my sis's rabbits had mixy!they died over a year ago & hutch has been disinfected,can mixy be passed on to chooks?would the disease still be present in hutch? option 3.andis got some handiwork ahead of him over the next week making a fresh coop!
