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new to hens


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  • new to hens

    Hello all just got my first nine hens from the 7000 rescued , please can i have some hints and tips on keeping hens as this is my first time only had them since Tuesday and already have had 16 eggs

    How often do you clean them out

    what treats do they like i am feeding mine layers mash at the minute

    also i believe they like veg peelings is that all veg or is there some i should avoid also does this need boiling and how long for any recipes would be great

    what time do i need to let them out of the coop and lock them back up again

    cheers jamie

    rain rain go away (2009)

    rain rain rain (2010)

  • #2
    Congrats on getting your girls! We got ours on tues too! Re: questions:

    - I clean them out when the straw/shavings get pooey- you can remove bits and pieces on a daily basis, but def clean out at least once a week
    - they will love corn, but as ex-bats it might be worth leaving this for another few weeks it might be a touch rich at the mo
    - my older two hate veg peelings, but I know my mum's used to wolf them down - cook them down first - they do like uncooked cabbage leaves, which I understand you can hang just above their body height so they can stretch for them (chicken excercise)
    - bed time tends to be when they take them selves off to their house, ours take a bit of coaxing as they have next to no body clock at the mo, this will change, our other two take themselves off at about 730-8pm. Getting up time depends on what time I get up - I'm an early riser so it tends to be 6-7am...

    Enjoy your girlies they are so rewarding ..
    How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.”


    • #3
      As for Veg peelings I cook them until soft (10 mins), drain them and then mash them before adding the layers pellets. If I don't mash them they sort out all the lumpy bits they don't like, mashed they eat the lot
      Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


      • #4
        Congratulations on getting your girls!!!

        My chickens are ex farm birds too. For treats they absolutely love porridge, live or dried mealworms, corn or some toast with marmite. Their absolute favourite is freshly dug-up worms though!



        • #5
          You need a good eggy recipe book to use up all those eggs! They keep for a few weeks in a cool dry place (perferably not the fridge!). Good recipes for using up eggs - lemon curd, madeira cake, omlette, souffles, meringues... alternatively you can sell them but be sure to stay on the right side of defra.

          Dwell simply ~ love richly


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