or at least that is what my ex-bats must think - they have reduced the bottom half of their run to an absolute mud bath what with all the rain we have had - I thought of putting wood shavings down, but then this will just become a wood shavingy mudbath! Any ideas what might reduce the quagmire? More importantly are very muddy legs and feet likely to cause any health problems?
No announcement yet.
The festival season is upon us....
My run has turned into a swamp too, as we are being drenched by the same rain Sunbeam!
I had pallets in there all winter and have only just removed them, worked to a degree, but the girls just walked on the mud in between the slats
On a positive note, the met office website is forecasting a letting up of the wet stuff and a bit more of the sunshine/dryness for the end of the week.Kirsty b xx
Why didn't I think of a pallet??!!! what a good idea - I'm pretty sure OH has something in his workshop - I wonder if he'll notice...!How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�
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