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Hen run problem


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  • Hen run problem


    I have recently got myself 5 ex bats. The run that they are in is a static one about 12' long and 6' wide. Over the last couple of weeks due to heavy rain the ground has become very muddy and smelly. I clean their house and run regularily but I was wondering if anyone has any sugesstions on how to reduce the poo odour before my neighbours complain!

  • #2
    Hi Little Lottie

    Hemcore is supposed to absorb and neutralise the odour. Also, if you could split the run into two you could let one side recover, then swap over after a few months.

    Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

    Michael Pollan


    • #3
      hen run problem

      Thanks for that Tracey I will give it a try


      • #4
        I have a small run about 8' by 4' for my 2 chickens and i have found that straw is the cheapest way of absorbing some of the poo and odour!



        • #5
          I've used straw and Hemcore as I have a similar problem. Both are good, but you'll need to change that regularly before that gets smelly too!!!
          Kirsty b xx


          • #6
            Little Lottie
            I find wood shavings a tremendous help in keeping down the pong factor. I clean the run out completely once a week, put the wood shavings down and scatter some straw on top. (It's ped bedding made for rabbits etc, so not big shavings) I found straw on its own not enough. Being on an allotment my hens get lots of visitors and most people say oh, they don't smell as if they thought hens were smelly naturally!
            Haven't tried the hemcore but a lot of people do recommend it.
            Is it possible to roof the run? When everything gets wet it smells worse. I've got a roofed run and it keeps most of the rain out except for when it's really slanting in.


            • #7
              Im with sue, I used to use both wood shavings and straw, I would try the hemcore though, its supposed to be very good, also try putting a bit of tarp over the run when its very wet.
              Yo an' Bob
              Walk lightly on the earth
              take only what you need
              give all you can
              and your produce will be bountifull


              • #8
                we having same problem,andi going to get sawdust from work monday(although we're not sure if it will be too fine & just turn to mush?)what is hemcore?is it expensive?where would we get it?
                the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                • #9
                  its like saw dust but its been specially made to keep dust and smell down in horse stables, try your local pet supplier
                  Yo an' Bob
                  Walk lightly on the earth
                  take only what you need
                  give all you can
                  and your produce will be bountifull


                  • #10
                    cheers!as i think plot gonna be far too wet to do anything tomoro p'raps a trip to the shops in order;after we've tried to make a slightly bigger shelter for the chooks!does it do them harm getting really wet?have found that even tho they do have access to sheltered areas some of them still opt for staying out in the pouring rain.
                    the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                    Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                    • #11
                      yep they can be a bit blonde, they only want to be sheltered at bed time, it doesnt mean that shelter isnt the way to go, they are a bit like teenagers, want to be out in all conditions, but you have to guide them, only instead of grouning just insist on a tarp in really bad weather. They will hardley notice.
                      Yo an' Bob
                      Walk lightly on the earth
                      take only what you need
                      give all you can
                      and your produce will be bountifull


                      • #12
                        Forecast for our area really warm and dry tomorrow andi&di. Hemcore is made from the cores of the stems of the hemp plant. I get a bale for about �7-8 from my feed store. I put about half a bale in the area of run that is covered by tarp, the rest goes in nest boxes and shed/house floor.
                        Really good at absorbing odour inside shed. Every other day or so I scoop out the poop from under the perches and shuffle around the still-clean stuff.
                        Kirsty b xx


                        • #13
                          [QUOTE=kirsty b;238411]Forecast for our area really warm and dry tomorrow andi&di.
                          should be really pleased 4 our friends(which i am)as they got birthday party for their boy;instead 1st day we could be at lottie & cant go!!might be able to get a few hours in before we go but got a funny feeling wont be able to do a lot in the quagmire!cheers for advice & ditto Yoanbob.& I thought I had another few years before I started dealing with teenagers!!
                          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                          • #14
                            Hi there,

                            Stalosan is a dry powder disinfectant which you sprinkle and leave down. It helps to dry out the litter and really does reduce odour. It is about �15 for an 8kg tub and will last you ages.

                            Another option is to pave the run and then put a layer of bedding on top of the slabs. This way it is easier to keep clean as you are not fighting mud but the birds still have chippings or straw to scratch about in,


                            • #15
                              My other half is planning to concrete the run when we have enough dry weather to do it. It will have to be done section by section though so they can still go out in it.
                              Kirsty b xx


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