My 4 hens are due to arrive on Saturday and I'm just having a last-minute panic! OH has built a lovely large coop and run for them, totally wired in on a concrete base (where the old shed used to be) and we've been out shopping for bits, but I'm worried that I've forgotten something (other than a wormer, which is on my list to buy). OK, so far, we've got:
Feeder, drinker, grit bowl
Layers pellets
Mixed corn
Mixed grit
Hemcore (for bedding) to go on top of soil & gravel bedding
Mite powder
Is there anything that you think I might have forgotten or that would help someone with no experience of hens at all!
Feeder, drinker, grit bowl
Layers pellets
Mixed corn
Mixed grit
Hemcore (for bedding) to go on top of soil & gravel bedding
Mite powder
Is there anything that you think I might have forgotten or that would help someone with no experience of hens at all!
