as i mentioned in an earlier post we got 2 chicks about 3weeks ago,they are now about 10weeks the moment they have a part of run sectioned off of the main run(we also have 10 chickens about 25weeks old).does anyone have any advice on what age we should try putting them all together?ther's still a considerable size difference & unsure if they'd yet be able to stand up for themselves if bullied?(although they have definately passed the tiny helpless chick stage)also i know the normal advice is to pop them in the coop at night~as they've been living sidebyside for a few weeks now would this still be advised or would we be better off doing it on a day where we could keep an eye on them?
I think whatever we choose we will hang on a while to take down their separate enclosure~just in case.
I think whatever we choose we will hang on a while to take down their separate enclosure~just in case.