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New chooks


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  • New chooks

    Well I've just got back home with 4 more ex-battery chooks to join (eventually) with my existing 6. Got them settled in their new home with food and water, but the "old" ones are creating such a fuss! They're normally SO quiet except when they want to tell me they've just laid an egg, but all 6 of them are creating such a racket I'm sure the neighbours will be complaining if they don't shut up soon Think I might go and stand in the rain and talk to them (or shout at them) for an hour or so till they calm down. Might even give them a handful of corn to bribe them to shut up. Wouldn't have done anything any different though, at least I've saved the new 4 from slaughter, and in all I've been personally responsible for the rescue of 16 so i'm patting myself on the back
    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there

  • #2
    Well done you.! Maybe your established flock are calling a big welcome to the new hens! Lets hope so. All the best and good luck. I have just five ex bats and love them to bits. They look sooooo different now and are a happy bunch of girls.


    • #3
      They did eventually shut up after about 3 hours . Then the new girls had a look out of their coop, and tentatively wandered out - it was wonderful to see them experience the feel of grass underfoot and rain on their feathers. There was a bit of "feather flaring" through the mesh between the 2 lots at one point, but I guess that's just all part of getting to know each other. The newbies also presented me with 2 eggs too
      My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


      • #4
        i am trying to get 2 ex-bats but not getting a response from the organization
        any ideas


        • #5
          I don't know who your nearest rescue co-cordinator is, I've always had a reply when I've contacted Ian Farrar, the co-ordinator for Warwickshire and West Midlands. He might be able to point you in the right direction. Email him at Just one other point, they like you to take a minimum of 3, just in case anything happens to 1 of them then you're not left with a lonely chook. I think that possibly applies to any chooks you get
          My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


          • #6
            Oh yes, forgot to add that they're having another big rescue this weekend, then no more till August
            My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


            • #7
              Just thought I'd update this a bit. All the new chooks settled in really well, and apart from having bald necks, they're in remarkably good condition. I've managed to get them all integrated together, and apart from the odd peck here and there, peace reigns
              My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


              • #8
                Thats remarkably quick for them to settle together,you must be so pleased!Well done they must be happy hens,great to know that it is possible to mix em a bit too.See if id have won that eglu ,i could have rescued some ha ha.


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