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Thank you from North London Hen Rescue


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  • Thank you from North London Hen Rescue

    Big thanks to the several members of this forum who helped with the NLHR rescue this weekend and to those who gave homes to some of the 1,715 birds we brought out. Good wishes at the same time to our friends in the BHWT who took out many hundreds of birds from the same farm just before we went in, and to the Swindon and District Animal Haven who came in on a similar mission after we had gone.

    I came back with kind Norfolk volunteers to pull out one final van load of hens for rehomers in March, Doncaster and London, just before the slaughtermen came in. We appreciate the patience of the farmer who held the slaughtermen back in order to give us time to get out our final consignment a day later than we had intended. Sadly there were still a few hundred girls left behind for the slaughterhouse - perhaps one more vanload - after all our energies, funds, transport and time were exhausted. This was all the sadder because we knew we had homes for them, if only we had had the resources to get them out. I hope that one day - through the joint or separate efforts of whatever organisation or individuals - we will be able to report that at the end of the day the sheds were empty and the slaughtermen went away empty handed.

    Meanwhile, however, it's been lovely to read on forums an in my email about the progress of the lucky rescued birds, who will mercifully never know what further indignities they have avoided, but who will certainly enjoy the rich and wonderful new lives that their kind rehomers have given them.

    Love to all, Carly
    North London Hen Rescue

  • #2
    From reading the praise on the poultry forum, you've done a sterling job, when I get the money for another hen run hope to be asking you for some hens myself but it may be a long time before I scrape the dosh together, but much spurred on by the PF pictures of those poor hens you helped rescue.
    best wishes


    • #3
      Job well done, Carly. I think you can be proud of your efforts. I took six XB's from Shropshire/mid Wales BHWT and I think I can say they're all enjoying their new life with us but can you tell me how to stop them laying so many eggs
      I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


      • #4
        this just made me cry ...... thanks so much for doing this, i'm working hard to try and get a new palace ready for some of these chickens ....... i'm sure if the chickens could type, they would say thanks from the bottom of their hearts too.

        Lynda xx


        • #5
          Brilliant Carly.........I take my hat of to you!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #6
            well done, Carly, you make a big difference! I'm happy to help out if you need anyone next rescue - PM me!
            How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


            • #7
              Well done to all involved. Wish I was closer so I could offer help for the next one.
              Happy Gardening,


              • #8
                If anybody is giving Chicks away in the Derbyshire area let me know, I am in the process of building my chicken run!!
                Chickens are my thing, oh and I am growing Rocket in this Potato Barrel.


                • #9
                  Well done Carly.

                  We're not allowed to keep livestock at home (t'is in the deeds), and I don't have the room on the plot, but it must be terribly rewarding.

                  Keep up the good work.

                  They were promoting rehoming ex-batts this morning on the BBC. Apparently they're quite the "in thing" to give as a house warming present - though I'd be wary in case the new home owners were subject to the same rules as us.

                  A noble cause.
                  A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                  BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                  Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                  What would Vedder do?


                  • #10
                    Hey Wayne.. rumour has it that you can apply to the council to get permission if the deeds forbid chicken keeping, the rules may have been created to stop people keeping dozens as a commercial enterprise rather than 3 or so as pets.. though if your neighbours are all happy (or bribed with eggs) then then maybe nobody need know I never properly checked my deeds, I went on the logic that i didn't remember seeing anything about it when i'd got the house so i didn't dig any further and fortunatly all my neighbours love my girls though one was initially worried they'd be noisy at night/ early morning but once reassured she's been happy
                    I have a dream:
                    a dream that, one day, chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


                    • #11
                      Keep up the good work Carly, hopefully I'll be in touch in the next couple of months asking to go on your waiting list. We've got a fair bit of sorting out to do to get their home ready in the meantime

                      Thank you for the work you do, it's appreciated by a lot of people. And more importanly, by a lot of hens!


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