Hi Folks,
Brand new to the site, I'm afraid, and a complete chicken novice! I have read most of your interesting posts, but STILL feel the need to ask a couple of questions of my own. Please forgive me if I am repeating some of the questions already asked, but I am anxious about starting off on the wrong foot!
I have recently been offered some chickens by a friend of the family (the current owner is considering sending them to the chicken coop in the sky!
I have researched lots on ebay, etc, but to be honest I'm amazed at the price of them...I simply can't afford £250 for a run. Plus, they are all much smaller than the space I have allocated to them in the garden. So, perhaps if I tell you what's available you can confirm whether or not I'm going along the right lines?
I have an area 5ft by 11ft available for them to use (I have been offered 6 hens in total, but do not want to short change them space wise, so...how many chicks do you believe to be acceptable in this size space?) - this area would need to have a static house and run built on it as I'm not able to use other areas of my garden (unless they're free ranging for a supervised period). This area at present is lovely, healthy grass...which I have read they can destroy toot sweet! So, should I retain the grass, and just combat the problem as and when they destroy it?
My cousin is a joiner, and as such has offered to built me a coop to order if I can provide him with a picture of what I want. I've seen a few I like the look of, but would REALLY appreciate advice/suggestions on this matter. I've read lots, so have an idea what I need inside their house, but again...advice from the experts would make me so much more comfortable about the whole experience!
Phew - I realise I've chattered on and on, but I want to ensure I give these girls the best life possible!
Thanks in advance for ANY advice you can give me!
An anxious almost chicken owner
B xox