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need chicken house and run, anyone know suppliers on internet?


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  • #16
    When bidding on ebay I put in the bid at the price I am prepared to pay. If someone wants to pay more, they can have the thing. I only once got a 'second chance' offer, and I ended up paying the same amount as my last bid. That was my ice-cream machine.....
    Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Tracey View Post
      I bought my run and housing from Wells Poultry, they gave me a delivery of 3 months, despite lots of phone calls and emails, it actually took over 5 months. I've still not received everything.
      That's a shame - they have been recommended by lots of people. I can only think that your order got caught up in their recent business move to larger premises and they are probably still a bit disorganised with the move.

      Dwell simply ~ love richly


      • #18
        On another forum there was a discussion about Albany, basically if you collect and check there and then they're fine but if you get it delivered you only get half the bits and the finish wasn't great. I only took notice cos it's very near me but I've never heard of it and it made me suspicious they weren't advertising round here, just on Ebay... Having said that it was a while ago so things may have changed!


        • #19
          Mine's a 7 x 7 shed that I got second hand for �50. His lordship put in perches for me and a local market trader gave me some fruit boxes to use for nesting.
          My girls are happy enough with that
          Kirsty b xx


          • #20
            Is that a boxer I spy in your avatar Kirsty?

            Chickens don't watch all the lifestyle programmes on the telly do they - reckon they are happy as long as you cater for their needs and make them comfortable. I think we probably worry more about the appearances than they do

            I have a drive full of about 30 or so pallets (the neighbours must be so happy) and I would just love someone to knock me up a run for some chooks......


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jay Bee View Post
              Is that a boxer I spy in your avatar Kirsty?

              Chickens don't watch all the lifestyle programmes on the telly do they - reckon they are happy as long as you cater for their needs and make them comfortable. I think we probably worry more about the appearances than they do

              I have a drive full of about 30 or so pallets (the neighbours must be so happy) and I would just love someone to knock me up a run for some chooks......
              If there's any young fit hunks around, why not try the "helpless female" trick . Go out with a hammer and nail-puller thingy and start trying to take the pallets apart. Make sure you make lots of audible sighs and ouches, and maybe someone will come to your rescue
              Alternatively, put an ad in the local shop asking if any youngsters would like to help and offer a reward of a barbecue when the job's done. Might work, but I'm afraid round here the kids want money, and not just a little bit, for any help they give.
              Good luck, let us know how you get on
              My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


              • #22
                I have one son still left at home. He can lift and navvy like the best of them (you should see the stuff he has to move at work) but sadly he is about as gifted as me in the DIY skills!

                I have forked out and bought a circular saw and cut some up ready for raised beds (me and saw did spark curiousity in passing by neighbours but no offers) But construction - nope don't think I even dare. Its quite *windy* here and it would be gone over the hills in an instant!

                For the moment I am enjoying reading everyone's exploits on here - albeit a bit wistfully!

                Perhaps its more of a confidence thing that I need to overcome. Maybe I will find that I have a natural flair for carpentry! LOL!


                • #23
                  Try your local farmers store.


                  • #24
                    Just a thought .. if you are bidding on eBay, then bid secretly (sniping) to keep the price down. Otherwise you can get in a bidding war with someone else and push the price way up.

                    I always use a sniping tool, you just put in your highest maximum bid and the tool will bid for you in the last few seconds of the auction. Nobody else knows you're bidding, and you pip them at the post.

                    I've never had a problem, it's free & it's easy. Registration Form
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #25
                      I always know how much I am prepared to pay for an item on e-bay, and if it goes over that, good luck to whoever gets it.

                      PS, what happens if 2 or 3 people have put these things in?
                      Last edited by Hilary B; 22-08-2008, 06:55 PM. Reason: add postscript
                      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                      • #26
                        Hilary - if 2 or 3 people also use secret bids, then the highest bidder gets it, as usual. Thing is, most people don't use secret bidding.
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                          Hilary - if 2 or 3 people also use secret bids, then the highest bidder gets it, as usual. Thing is, most people don't use secret bidding.
                          I use a free sniper that puts a bid in 10 seconds before end of auction. You can pay extra to have the bid put in up to 3 seconds before end of auction.

                          I recently bid for something with a max of a tenner and someone else used their PAYED for sniper version with a tenner max.

                          I won the item because my bid was the first at �10!
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • #28
                            The thing about sniping is that the highest bid wins - which is kinda what you think is happening normally.

                            But very often that is not what actually happens! If you look at the bids on an auction you often see something like:

                            Bidder 1 = �1
                            Bidder 2 = �2
                            Bidder 2 = �4
                            Bidder 2 = �6
                            Bidder 1 = �7

                            and if you look at the time of the bids then the Bidder 1 = �7 will be the same time as they placed their �1 bid. What has happened is that they have entered their "best" price, say �10. That showed as �1 (the minimum above the current price), until Bidder 2 came along.

                            Bidder 2 tried a �2 bid. That immediately got outbid by Bidder 1's �10 proxy bid (auction now at �3)

                            So they tried �4 then �6 and so on.

                            What did NOT happen is Bidder 2 putting their best bid in ...

                            and what often happens is that people convince themselves that the thing is worth higher and higher amounts.

                            If you bid in the last few seconds there isn't time for all that "I think its worth more than I first thought" malarkey.

                            Automatic snipers will usually also allow you to bid on multiple auctions, but cancel all unplaced bids when an auction is successful. If you actually bid on eBay you might be going to win it, so you can't also bid on an alternative. With sniping you can keep bidding (e.g. a silly low price) until successful. Or you can see a more appropriate, later, auction and delete your bid on the earlier auction [because the bid has not actually been placed yet, its only in a "pending queue"]

                            There is no other way to bid, in my opinion!

                            I personally use a Sniping tool which runs on my PC as I don't want to be dependant on some 3rd party (the software needs to know your logon / password in order to place the bid), but that does require that your PC is always-on of course. In that sense the 3rd party may be more reliable.
                            K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


                            • #29
                              Ebay allow 'bidding groups' which are supposed to be a way of bidding on several similar items, but once you win one, the other bids are not counted. I've never bothered, and don't know the details.
                              I bid if I want the item, and I bid what I am prepared to pay. It either gets accepted or it doesn't, end of. Mostly I've been buying books and CDs, and often ones for which there is little demand, so it isn't a problem anyway.
                              What suits depends on what you are buying and why.
                              Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                              • #30
                                i do my own sniping, have 2 windows open, one with the auction, and one with my maximum bid ready to press confirm, then refresh the auction one, and with 5 seconds to go, press confirm, if i get outbid tough, but i never bid over the maximum i decide to pay,

                                i've been looking at the albany ones too, they look lovely ..... what exactly is the problem with them???

                                have looked at their feedback, and to be honest, with the amount of stuff they have sold, the feedback of 1-2 % of not happy people is about right, in reality, you always get idiots bidding who can't read, and don't actually take notice of terms of the seller, and with that amount of positives, i'd be happy to buy off them ..... unless anyone knows of any other reasons why not??

                                feedback, such as ..... my dog ate the bed in 10 mins, and seller says they aren't responsible, and wire not cat proof a cat killed my baby guinea pig, they(put 3 week old guinea pig in run and a cat caught it) ...... people are STUPID.


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