We recently wrote to our housing association for permission to keep chickens. We were told that "Chickens were livestock and therefore no permission will be given for ANY tenant to have chickens on ***** property".
Aaah bugger. Never thought anymore about it ...that was until this morning when through the post I receieved the "***** times H/A newsletter, in there was a feature of a new tenant who keeps CHICKENS IN HER GARDEN....snotty letter now winging it's way to housing officer asking whether the tenancy agreement had been changed to allow chickens or are they now featuring and celebrating tenants in breach of their tenancy in the newsletter!
Aaah bugger. Never thought anymore about it ...that was until this morning when through the post I receieved the "***** times H/A newsletter, in there was a feature of a new tenant who keeps CHICKENS IN HER GARDEN....snotty letter now winging it's way to housing officer asking whether the tenancy agreement had been changed to allow chickens or are they now featuring and celebrating tenants in breach of their tenancy in the newsletter!