I've seen a lot of people on here needing plans for hen housing and not being at all practical have been of no help.
Today I've bought a book on pig-keeping and found this.
Build your own poultry house and run. (A 2 plans) price three pounds.
available from Broad Leys Publishing, 1,Tenterfields, Saffron Waldron, Essex, CB11 3UW. or E-mail, [email protected]
website, Broad Leys Publishing - Poultry and Smallholding Books
Today I've bought a book on pig-keeping and found this.
Build your own poultry house and run. (A 2 plans) price three pounds.
available from Broad Leys Publishing, 1,Tenterfields, Saffron Waldron, Essex, CB11 3UW. or E-mail, [email protected]
website, Broad Leys Publishing - Poultry and Smallholding Books