I intend to start keeping hens in the very near future, not yet decided whether to purchase POL or ex-battery. Thinking of having between 4 and 6 for now.
Can anyone advise me on what size house and run I would need for this many? My husband will build the run; is there anything we should be aware of when choosing the materials i.e. what has been used to treat the wood we buy?
Are there any diseases I will need to have the girls innoculated for and how often? Many of the books I have read about keeping hens list problems and diseases but do not mention prevention.
Any advice you can offer me will be thankfully received.
Can anyone advise me on what size house and run I would need for this many? My husband will build the run; is there anything we should be aware of when choosing the materials i.e. what has been used to treat the wood we buy?
Are there any diseases I will need to have the girls innoculated for and how often? Many of the books I have read about keeping hens list problems and diseases but do not mention prevention.
Any advice you can offer me will be thankfully received.
