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ex bats not laying


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  • ex bats not laying

    hi all
    i welcomed 4 ex bat ladies 3 weeks ago they all seem to have settled in well and were laying great but now 3 seemed to have stopped laying( 1 still is and im guessing its the same 1 as the eggs are always in the same place)
    does anyone have any ideas why? are they ill(they dont seem it) or unhappy? am i doing something wrong? they have plenty of food(mash as per the instruction we were given) and water lots of straw to scratch in and plenty of space to roam in with the occasional greens to peck at
    any help advice will be welcome many thanks safia

  • #2
    Do they apear to be moulting?They'll go off the lay if they are.Have a look round for feathers round the run/coop.
    the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

    Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


    • #3
      It may simply be the time for them to stop laying for a few weeks. If they had artificial light before, the shortening days might be telling them to take a break
      You might try giving them artificially lengthened days.
      Fit a light and timer in the house, and set it to come on early in the morning, and go off at daylight arrival, set it a bit earlier each day so the 'days' don't get any shorter. The further north you live the faster days are shortening (and we are approaching the day on which they shrink fastest, the equinox, 23rd? September)
      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


      • #4
        They've been through big changes in the last 3 weeks. They might still be sorting out the pecking order, see who's boss. If they are moulting (and how can you tell with ex-batts anyway!!), or even just to give them a bit of a boost, give them some poultry spice in their food and some Lifeguard Tonic in their water (or you can put a garlic clove in the water instead). If they were laying before, they'll start laying again, though I doubt very much if you'll get an egg a day from each of them, I get on average 6 eggs from my 9.

        Good luck, and congratulations on giving some prisoners their freedom
        My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


        • #5
          Are they laying somewhere else - under bushes for example? Just a thought.
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • #6
            hi, thank you all for you advice ive had a good look around flummery and not found any eggs hiding so i guess they must be resting as suggested by the others and as they dont seem off colour i guess i shall leave them to it, i think maureen that they have sorted out their pecking order or at least 1 of them thinks they have she is a proper madame!!! but they are great im really pleased i got them and my daughters are delighted by them.


            • #7
              They may be off lay while they grow back the feathers they did'nt have when you rehomed them.
              Kirsty b xx


              • #8
                One of my girls went of the lay for a week or two about a month ago, but grew alot more feathers in that time (she was practically oven ready when I got her) so I think she was channeling all the protein etc that would have made eggs into lovely new feathers.. If they all look healthy (I've yet to have any with a stuck egg or anything nasty but I'd assume they wouldn't look too happy) then I wouldn't worry, provide some extra grit/ oyster shell maybe in case she's laying shell-less or very thin shelled eggs that they eat before you get to them and she'll lay again when she's ready
                I have a dream:
                a dream that, one day, chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


                • #9
                  Hi Safia - me too ! Got my2girls at end of july from bhwt and even though they are now happy and lively they stopped laying about 10 days ago. Ive done some internet research and it seems that moult/new feather growth is the commonest cause. Mine were sad looking chooks, and it appears that its at moult time that they are got rid of by the farmers (if you can call them that!). Im doing the same as you upping the mash and trying to give less treats (difficult as I love to see them scrabbling over a strand of spaghetti). Luckily me 2original girls are still laying an egg a day, which keeps us ticking over.

                  best of luck

                  My Square Foot Gardening Experiment Blog :


                  • #10
                    Ex Batts Retirement Home

                    [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="3"][/FONT]
                    Hi new to the forum but pleased i am with like minded people, i am waiting for 4 ex batts sometime this month. I have converted my garden shed and got all the necessary poultry spice ect. I can't wait. The girlies are in their cages and i want to get them out a.s.a.p.


                    • #11
                      Do'nt worry about them not laying for awhile. It will be good for them to have a well deserved rest. I know this may sound silly to some people but, it is not just the feather loss and weight loss that is the result of being caged up. I honestly believe that, just like humans who have suffered but held on...once freedom is given there comes an emotional crisis for a while until freedom becomes the 'norm'. It takes a while for the hens to adjust to making their own decisions about...when to eat...when to dustbathe...when to go to bed and so on. I've had my ex bats since March and can honestly say they are a really happy bunch, though one recently went to hen heaven. But they are healthy. However, my hens are still vulnerable to change. For example, I have to clean the henhouse and run in three stages over a period of days. If I do everything at once they become unsettled. The cage experience has a permanent effect. However, the GOOD news is, with lots of love and care they will become happy hens, and eventually will settle and lay lovely eggs. Enjoy!
                      Good luck Dozey 1 have a lovely time with your hens.
                      Last edited by sunflower; 06-09-2008, 12:05 AM.


                      • #12
                        Thanks Sunflower, it is a really good feeling getting prepared for the prisoners, i just hope they will be happy in their new home. Is gravel ok to use in the run?


                        • #13
                          I had a bit of gravel in mu run that I've slowly been getting rid of as they dig it up! I thought it'd be fine, but once you see them really going for it with the scratching and moving, it's a wonder they don't hurt their feet more. I've decided to dig out all of mine and put in wood chip, this will encourage bugs more for them to munch on as well.


                          • #14
                            thank you all for your advice, the girls are back on track now and have got their feathers back so i it looks like they were just building up their strength again and now we have eggs coming out of our ears!!! the main thing is the girls are fit and well and absolutly delighted to be roaming around in the day light -- they even seem to enjoy the rain bless them


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SAFIA View Post
                              thank you all for your advice, the girls are back on track now and have got their feathers back so i it looks like they were just building up their strength again and now we have eggs coming out of our ears!!! the main thing is the girls are fit and well and absolutly delighted to be roaming around in the day light -- they even seem to enjoy the rain bless them
                              You're not supposed to get eggs out of ears Safia, they come out of chickens bottoms!!
                              My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


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