Hi all we finished their house and went out and bought some orpingtons, 9 weeks old and then the next day went and bought a few brahmas and a few cochin about 10 or 11 weeks old. In for a penny in for a pound!
Now we have to wait to reap our rewards. They are all settling in nicely, only we arent 100 % sure of the sex yet! The brahmas and cochin`s owner said to bring em back if they were all male! If any of the other are it`ll be the pot
One quick question, we are putting a little food and water in the house at night for them as they are so young. At what age should we stop doing this? When they start laying?
Many thanks,
Now we have to wait to reap our rewards. They are all settling in nicely, only we arent 100 % sure of the sex yet! The brahmas and cochin`s owner said to bring em back if they were all male! If any of the other are it`ll be the pot

One quick question, we are putting a little food and water in the house at night for them as they are so young. At what age should we stop doing this? When they start laying?
Many thanks,