Poor little Pink, she seemed a little under the weather when they came out yesterday, by the afternoon we noticed she was wheezing a little & this morning she stayed in the hen house so we made up a warm box with sawdust feed & water and put her in side then brought her in. I kept checking evry half hour & by 1pm she had died.
So upset [50 years old & bawling]. Very concerned as about a month ago another one was the same, took her to the vet [who said she was going to die] he gave her a shot of antibiotsics & more for the nest 2 days, she pulled through & was great for about 5 days & then died. They came from the same place, was concerned when I saw it but bought 5 hens as I did not want them to stay there. Pink was great up to Sunday whan she did her usual 'peep peep peep' don't forget me & the 50m dash for sweetcorn. I am goung to ring the vet & see it they can find out what it is............... really really worrie now.
So upset [50 years old & bawling]. Very concerned as about a month ago another one was the same, took her to the vet [who said she was going to die] he gave her a shot of antibiotsics & more for the nest 2 days, she pulled through & was great for about 5 days & then died. They came from the same place, was concerned when I saw it but bought 5 hens as I did not want them to stay there. Pink was great up to Sunday whan she did her usual 'peep peep peep' don't forget me & the 50m dash for sweetcorn. I am goung to ring the vet & see it they can find out what it is............... really really worrie now.