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  • #16
    im going to try shredded paper in the nest box but how often should i replace this
    my plot march 2013

    hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


    • #17
      Originally posted by Kristen View Post
      "especially if you keep your hens in during wet weather"

      Good grief! Ours just find a dry spot under the hedge somewhere ...
      Mine will belt down the garden to the run if it pours down - which is very comical, especially the pekins bouncing along! - but all too often they stand around on the patio looking wretched (mud and pekins don't mix), and in cold weather I worry about them catching a chill since chickens' feathers aren't waterproof...
      Last edited by Eyren; 08-09-2008, 06:39 PM.


      • #18
        We're taking delivery tomorrow of a green eglu, two Gingernuts and a Ms Pepperpot. Karen had named them a couple of months ago when we ordered...

        We've got the jitters today after waking up to find a decapitated Pigeon in the garden. I've assumed a cat, but the possibilty of Mink has also been suggested!

        My only concern with the Eglu is what happens when the hens go past their laying prime. They are of course pets as well as egg producers, so unless we buy more hen house space we'll be feeding hens for a few years without much in the way of eggs in return. The natural smallholding solution is to dispatch the Hens when laying tails off and replace with new POL's, but Karen (quite rightly) won't entertain the idea.

        I spent an hour wandering around a local Countrywide Store today and came away with some shavings and a bag of organic layers pellets. So many new and exciting things to buy.

        Mark & Karen


        • #19
          Hens will lay a lot of eggs in year one, fewer, (but bigger) eggs in year 2, and the number will gradually decline, but I have had 10yo hens still laying 3 eggs a week each.
          Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


          • #20
            OOh well done Hawthorns you won't regret it I love my Eglu and my girls, The old Omlet vans had a few stop offs at Melksham lately!
            Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


            • #21
              working on names at mo. currently we are going with cagney and lacey but it changes daily. i like itchy and scratchy
              my plot march 2013

              hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


              • #22
                I have a feeling that when our girls (that we are buying on Saturday!!) stop laying I will just buy eggs to fool my husband-I couldn't get rid of them just because they get mature in years! Two names my daughters have at the moment are Priscilla Peckerhen and Clara Cluckpot (my brother's nickname for me for the last 40 or so years!!)


                • #23
                  Itchy and Scratchy are great names for chickens!

                  We're thinking of going along with an 'Archers' theme and having Jenny Hen, Clarie Hen and Lily Hen.

                  The Eglu turned up yesterday and it's lovely - expensive, but lovely. Can't wait to pick the girls up on Saturday!
                  Last edited by T-lady; 11-09-2008, 11:58 AM.



                  • #24
                    We have a green eglu, still waiting for some ground works to be done before it is set up. Though must admit it looks like a good bit of kit.

                    We thinking of getting a couple of Light Sussex.


                    • #25
                      My OH really likes the light sussex, but we couldn't catch one when we went to pick up our chooks!
                      I'm taking my firends parents to buy some chickens at the weekend, they're getting a trio of lavender araucana and a pair of buff orpingtons, Ithink they'll want a couple of hybrids as well when they see them! Am green with envy!!


                      • #26
                        Buf orpingtons are ridiculously gorgeous - I saw a half grown BO cockerell (slready huge) and he was the finest chicken I've ever seen!



                        • #27
                          todays names are rosemary and tyhme
                          my plot march 2013

                          hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


                          • #28
                            Karen has named ours Myrtle, Dolly & Sminky Love em, and looking forward to letting them explore the garden once they've settled into the Eglu.

                            Last edited by littlemark; 11-09-2008, 10:07 PM. Reason: typo


                            • #29
                              They're lovely Mark. I couldn't believe how big the Eglu is - they look so dinky in the catalogue.

                              Can't wait until tomorrow when we pick up the girls ...



                              • #30
                                It does look a lot bigger than on the omlet website! Enjoy your girls!


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