Right,you may remember a couple of weeks ago one of our girls was a little under the weather,well she seems to have picked up loads & is now mixing well with the others & eating well.However not sure if she's moulting or if there's something else up?She's lost a lot of her breast feathers & is looking particularly scrawny!!Only thing is I thought they stopped laying when they moult?
As we had our first dozen from a dozen yesterday she has to be laying!I'm certain she's not being picked on,I've been up there loads over the last few days & none of the others have protested when she's "shared" their food.I've also given her a good check over for mites.(would they be visible?)
Sorry it's a tad bit long a post,but feeling a bit confused as to whether it's something normal(moulting)or something I should be more concerned about?

Sorry it's a tad bit long a post,but feeling a bit confused as to whether it's something normal(moulting)or something I should be more concerned about?