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Clipping wings


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  • Clipping wings

    I have had my girls now for a few weeks, all going well so far, my wife and I watch them for hours.

    I let them run around the garden when I'm home, they seem to love it.

    I've not clipped their wings yet, but I don't want them to fly into neighbours gardens, and maybe escape. I have been told if there happy, they will not try to escape is this true?

    Should I clip there wings or leave them?
    Last edited by Jimster; 22-09-2008, 06:19 PM.

  • #2
    Don't clip their wings unless they do visit your neighbours. It is better for them to be able to fly if Mr Fox pays a visit. Mine only ever wander out of the garden if something scares them or they find a particularly interesting place to dig.


    • #3
      I'm sure you know, but if you do clip their wings, then only do one wing on each hen so they are lopsided when trying to fly. I have some very, very little bantams who fly even with their wings clipped - they just can't resist the veggie patch.


      • #4
        I agree - if they haven't been a problem so far, leave them to it. Some hens are more curious than others, and some are quite flighty - so depending on what breed you have, they might never be a problem and some even manage to get over fences even when they have had their wings clipped! If you do find it necessary, then only clip one wing of each hen - it's more to unbalance them than stop them flying full stop.

        Alexihen - snap! Posts crossed over. Welcome to the Vine!
        Last edited by Birdie Wife; 22-09-2008, 04:58 PM.

        Dwell simply ~ love richly


        • #5
          We have some bantams who can fly quite well - they could definately clear the hedge and get into next door if the wanted (I know because one went through a gap in the hedge the first few days we had them and according to neighbours her method of return was to fly back over to us). We've had them about 3 months now and they never have, though they will sometimes choose to fly over the fence out of their enclose (about 3 ft) to roam the rest of the garden, but even this they do very rarely though they accomplish it with ease. We were going to clip wings originally but have decided not to as they definately see here, and their ark, as a safe place so would only choose to fly out if threatened I guess.


          • #6
            thanks for the advice. The wings are staying for the moment, we'll see how it goes


            • #7
              Thanks for the welcome, Birdie.


              • #8
                I have clipped my girls wings as they were escaping our garden & wandering into the new lotties next door &our new neighbours gardens. Re being happy - they like to wander & given the opportunity will do so - I had to round mine up from a front garden 3 doors up the road - however they do return for bed!
                How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


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