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I'm a new chook sitter


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  • I'm a new chook sitter

    I have had my chooks for two months now, and they are fab.
    we got them from coventry ex bats rescue.
    they are called, blossom, hendrix (named by youngest son) henny penny, scraggs,( cos she is scraggy) and bob (named by eldest son.)

    they are great to watch and the eggs are superb, we have never eaten so many as a family before ever. we let them out everyday into the main garden and they are turning over my freshly dug veg patch a treat, and are great at keeping the slugs down.

    they love beetroot leaves, which is a bit bothersome, keep having to chase them off.


  • #2
    Welcome Minxie and congratulations on getting your ex-batts. I got 4 of mine from Ian and Mollie in Coventry in June. Sadly I lost 1 a month ago, but the others are all doing fine and mixed well with the other ex-batts I got in February. Now trying to get them all to accept the Black Stars and Bluebelles I got last week!!! Fun isn't it
    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


    • #3
      Now that's an idea. Hadn't thought about using chooks to weed and clear the veggie beds that have gotten all overgrown with the rubbish weather here. Might just rethink things and get our girls a bit quicker!!

      Welcome to the vine too.
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        Hi Minxie and welcome. I have 6 ex-batts which I got beginning of May this year. It's wonderful watching them destroy the garden and grow their feathers back isn't it?


        • #5
          Welcome Minxie

          Roll on next weekend when I get mine

          I'm stuipidly excited, sad to think what horrible conditions they're living in now, but can't wait to watch them adapt to a world they've never known existed.


          • #6
            Congrats on your girls, they're so much fun! Mine have dug up a load of daf and snowdrop bulbs from the flower bed! Never mind, I'll replant them in pots, they seem to stay away from those!


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