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one week to go!!!!!!!!


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  • one week to go!!!!!!!!

    Well 18 eggs went into the incubator on the 2nd of October, so by my reckoning they are due next thursday. I have candled them and it looks like I may only have 6 that are good but some of the shells are really dark.

    The jury is out about buying eggs on ebay.

    As this was the first time using the incubator I only went for pot luck eggs so the chicks will be interesting. Everyone at work is so eggsited (sorry couldn't resist the pun) about the arrival of the chicks they are asking for daily updates.

    OOOOHHHH!!!! I can't wait it is like being an expectant mum again!

  • #2
    oooooooo good luck with that i've got my eggs and incubator coming, i've got 6


    • #3
      Keep us posted Lynda66, can't wait to see photo's of yours.


      • #4
        Lynda, this may interest you.

        Clitheroe Auction Mart (Auction Mart - Clitheroe for livestock auctions, specialist auctions and antique - furniture auctions)

        Lots of luck with the eggs, cant wait to see your baby chicks.



        • #5
          thanks, have thought about clitheroe, been to the car boot a few times, but it's not very easy for me to get to without a car, the macclesfield one i can get a train to. mind you it's a pain they have them during the week cos everyones too busy to come with me

          can't wait to see cleo's face when she sees what she thinks is her lunch lol


          • #6
            Have you candled them? Fertility does drop off at this time of year. Fingers crossed for a good hatch of lovely healthy chicks (and more girls than boys )

            Dwell simply ~ love richly


            • #7
              Well tomorrow the chicks are due to hatch........

              I have stopped turning the eggs, brought the temp down a couple of degrees and increased the humidity. So now it is down to the little ones to sucessfully get out of there ickle homes.

              I am sooooooo nervous!!!!!

              I have 5 that are alive and kicking in there shells so it's over to them now.


              • #8
                Oh wow, that's sooooooooooooooooooooo exciting!! Can you actually hear/feel them moving inside the shells? (sorry if this is a daft question) I'm intrigued
                My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                • #9
                  Hi Maureen,
                  I can feel them moving when you cup the egg in your hand you can feel a vibration and a strange movement it is like have little aliens, but I havent heard them cheep. Saying that the incy is so noisy they probably will come out with hearing problems themselves.
                  When I get home if anything is different I will put a post on here.


                  • #10
                    WOw! Right thats it - you've made me want to do it now!
                    Will have to sort out an incubator!
                    Best love




                    • #11
                      Well I rushed home and............nothing yet.

                      I must be patient as due date is tomorrow, but I want it NOW!!!!!!!!!

                      I don't think I was this excited when I had the kids. Anyway I was thinking next door wants Aylesbury ducks, so if I try hatching them next what a fabulous xmas present for them and the little ones. A present that keeps giving....perfect.


                      • #12
                        i keep doing that ...... ive still got ages to go yet ....... it's really eggciting innit go and talk to them and encourage them to come out ....... mine already have names ...... sad innit.


                        • #13
                          I have been talking to them but then OH comes in the room and looks at me as though I've lost the plot. He just doesn't understand the complexities of these things.
                          The incy is in the same room as the computer, so I can sit here typing and looking at the eggs at the same time. I am so glad I got one with a clear door.
                          I don't name my chooks as a rule they're just 'chooks' seems to stop any misunderstanding and name muddling or any chook feeling left out.


                          • #14
                            Oh, I'm so excited for you!!! Please be sure to let us know AS SOON as anything happens!!!

                            I'm hopefully going to attempt to 'hatch my own' chooks next year. Luckily the breeder I got the favs from is willing to give me eggs, so I won't have to try ebay. I'm planning on lavender pekins...but already dreading the arrival of boys. I just can't *whispers* cull them!!

                            Anyway...on a more positive note. It's very exciting...I can't wait for an update!
                            I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

                            Our Blog -


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by chicken slave View Post
                              I have been talking to them but then OH comes in the room and looks at me as though I've lost the plot. He just doesn't understand the complexities of these things.
                              The incy is in the same room as the computer, so I can sit here typing and looking at the eggs at the same time. I am so glad I got one with a clear door.
                              I don't name my chooks as a rule they're just 'chooks' seems to stop any misunderstanding and name muddling or any chook feeling left out.
                              mine are called brekkie, lunch, dinner, sunday roast, supper and xmas


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