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one week to go!!!!!!!!


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  • Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
    happy birthday babies
    A message from the babies for you "Thankyou Auntie Lynda"

    All my children and chicks are taught manners from an early age, where as potty training is a different matter


    • lol .... tell them they are very welcome ....... gosh i'm getting sooooo broody now, i've found somewhere nearby that has day old chicks ...... and i'm kinda itching to go pick some up.


      • Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
        lol .... tell them they are very welcome ....... gosh i'm getting sooooo broody now, i've found somewhere nearby that has day old chicks ...... and i'm kinda itching to go pick some up.
        Go for it but make sure your brooder is nice and warm before you collect them. If my other 2 eggs hatch I will have 12 and next week the incubator goes back on to hatch Aylesbury Ducks for my neighbour as a xmas pressie for them and the kids.


        • hmmmm i knew there was something else i needed to do ........ yeah maybe not a great idea really, i have all my brooder components ...... just have to build it now

          i'm having runner ducks, so maybe i'll wait a bit .... or my garden will be over run with chickens and i wont have room lol.

          wish you were my neighbour
          Last edited by lynda66; 26-10-2008, 11:43 AM.


          • Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
            hmmmm i knew there was something else i needed to do ........ yeah maybe not a great idea really, i have all my brooder components ...... just have to build it now

            i'm having runner ducks, so maybe i'll wait a bit .... or my garden will be over run with chickens and i wont have room lol.

            wish you were my neighbour
            I just love seeing the kids when they are with any of the chickens and I get to watch them(the ducks) from my window growing up
            Last edited by chicken slave; 26-10-2008, 11:49 AM.


            • Oh, those babies are GORGEOUS!!! I'm really really broody now!!!
              I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

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              • Well the other 2 eggs are still in the incubator, cheeping away but no more movement on the hatching front.
                I hope they hatch before tomorrow or I'll never settle at work!!!!


                • awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww they're so beautiful, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
                  My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                  • Number 3 egg has a large crack in it now and she is cheeping very loudly.

                    I think we could have another one to join us tonight!!!!!!!

                    Number 4 egg is cheeping but no cracks or chips yet.


                    • is there just the 4 showing signs?? what about the others??


                      • In the end only 5 were fertile, the 5th one is not showing any signs. I have bobbed it and nothing, but never mind at least the others that are here are healthy and the other 2 are working hard to join us.
                        Last edited by chicken slave; 26-10-2008, 05:16 PM.


                        • I can't believe how big a part of my weekend this has been! Please keep us posted


                          • Originally posted by Hashette View Post
                            I can't believe how big a part of my weekend this has been! Please keep us posted
                            I can't believe it either. I didn't expect all the support it has been wonderful and kept me going even though I feel I could sleep for a week


                            • i think you should have a weeks maternity leave to look after them


                              • Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
                                i think you should have a weeks maternity leave to look after them
                                I wish I could ..... but I can't so I just need to make sure they have food and water and are warm, they will be fine. Me on the other hand I'll get withdrawal especially if these 2 don't hatch tonight


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