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Molly is moving in...


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  • Molly is moving in...

    We rescued 3 ex-batts and one named Molly aka Scabby has been looking worse for wear since we got them home 2 weeks ago...

    she doesnt eat unless i stand over her, she never has any food in her croup (right word) and she spends most of the day inside. she has hardly any feathers and she hasnt laid at all. she shivers all the time and has the 'sick bird stance' from my keeping chickens book

    my plan is to keep her in our cloak room in a massive dog transport crate, with her own supply of food and water, plus extra protein foods. i think she needs to be kept warm and have easy access to the food as she wont eat when the others are around

    i've really fallen for her, so want to do what i can. if she's not going to make it i want to at least keep her warm and happy

    any other advise?

  • #2
    Aw.... that's really lovely. No, no advice as I don't think my two weeks' worth of experience will be much help to you, but keep us posted on how she gets on


    • #3
      only problem i can see is she might not like being on her own, and get sad?


      • #4
        Yeh I thought they had to be kept in numbers, can you put her in your lounge or kitchen or something when you are around so she has some company


        • #5
          Oh poor Molly. She might just be bewildered by all the changes and if she hasn't many feathers probably is cold. Not eating will make her cold too. How about some warm mash? Pellets or layers mash mixed with warm water and poultry spice. Mine love tinned sweetcorn added as well.
          As they are ex-batts, are they on the same food as they are used to?
          I'm sure there will be someone with more experience along soon to help.


          • #6
            Give her some warm porridge with poultry spice, sod the egg production and let her recuperate a bit. The only problem that I can foresee if she's going to be on her own is when you do re-introduce her to the others. Can't you do the same for all 3? or is that not an option due to lack of space etc?
            My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


            • #7
              Originally posted by NSB View Post
              Yeh I thought they had to be kept in numbers, can you put her in your lounge or kitchen or something when you are around so she has some company
              I was just going to suggest this myself, she is used to LARGE numbers, and although we know that not ideal, its what she is used to, she will need company, even if its just you nattering to her, or maybe the radio, tv, dog cat whatever.

              or as suggested, bring all three into the warm, but keep them seperated, company without the pecking fest
              Last edited by BrideXIII; 24-10-2008, 08:39 PM.
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              • #8
                she's eating well.. which is good... i let her out in the garen yesterday with the others and they were fine with her- one even cleaned her beak!

                the other batts are fine, they are in charge..

                i'll be getting a baby hen from a friend next week so i may move her in with scabby.

                tried her on sardines, she wasnt impressed - so the others wolfed them down. got some meal worms to try her on today. they all love warm porridge with mixed corn and saltanas, will make her some before bed tonight


                • #9
                  Aaahhh, so glad she's OK. These ex-batts can be quite a worry can't they. Haven't found anything my lot don't like yet.


                  • #10
                    Mine have only just worked out that the cabbage/cauliflower leaves I've been putting in there are food - and nice tasting food at that. For at least the first 10 days they ignored the fresh food and the mixed corn, refusing to eat anything except growers' mash. I think it was the mealworms that did it, they now realise that when I go in there and give them something, it's probably quite tasty so worth sticking a beak in it. Now there's no stopping them, although I don't think hubby's particularly chuffed to hear that they're sampling the banana and walnut cake!


                    • #11
                      gave her the meal worms... my hubby took them out of the fridge (thought it was gross!) and by the time i got out to her the box was moving... :-(P

                      she loved them though! i let her out with the others when it stopped raining and there was no sign of bullying - except when she told the littlest one off! never seen her do that!

                      so she's definitely picking up... which is good. going to keep her in the shed til the roof is finished on the run though as she feels the cold, bless her.. there are 3 out of 5 pvc sheets left to go...

                      she is gorgeous though... i had to wash her feet before putting her back in the shed as our garden is like a quagmire (sp) and she just sat there in my arms... and she keeps sneaking up when i'm working in the garden


                      • #12
                        I wish mine were that tame! My head is apparently okay, and hands are to be tolerated when they're cleaning out the coop or proffeing treats, but otherwise are treated a bit like an american being handed a mystery parcel by a member of al quaeda


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Hashette View Post
                          otherwise are treated a bit like an american being handed a mystery parcel by a member of al quaeda
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                          • #14
                            I'm still giggling now.


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