Yes, they're up, out and merrily eating grass - and grapes!
Nosey Rosie came out first, as soon as I opened the door. Three others followed very hesitantly, but the other four I had to take out of the coop. When I went out with the camera one had settled into a nest-box, but the others are still plodding around outside.
They seem quite content - no squabbling yet, but we've got one who thinks she's in charge - pecks any other one that comes near, and squares up to the dog when he gets too close to the fence. We've put the electric on now to keep him away.
We've had four eggs already, so had one each for breakfast!
but I expect that will slow right down as it gets colder and they start to grow some better feathers. Their combs are large, pale and floppy - like weird little hats on one or two of them. They look quite comical.
I will try and add some pics.
More later...

Nosey Rosie came out first, as soon as I opened the door. Three others followed very hesitantly, but the other four I had to take out of the coop. When I went out with the camera one had settled into a nest-box, but the others are still plodding around outside.
They seem quite content - no squabbling yet, but we've got one who thinks she's in charge - pecks any other one that comes near, and squares up to the dog when he gets too close to the fence. We've put the electric on now to keep him away.
We've had four eggs already, so had one each for breakfast!

I will try and add some pics.
More later...
