Help please?
I'm having a problem with my hens pulling each others feathers out. Sometimes it seems like a form of bullying but now the bullies seem to have bald patches too. It is mostly from just above the tail and around the vent area but I noticed tonight that one has got a bald patch on her next now...and I thought she was one of the bullies....
Can anyone suggest anything?
I have 11 chickens and they have a coop which states it takes up to 15 chickens which has 2 nest boxes. They have a 10 x 10 x 6 run (dog pen) with ledges and perches to explore and sit on. They have plenty of
I'm having a problem with my hens pulling each others feathers out. Sometimes it seems like a form of bullying but now the bullies seem to have bald patches too. It is mostly from just above the tail and around the vent area but I noticed tonight that one has got a bald patch on her next now...and I thought she was one of the bullies....

Can anyone suggest anything?
I have 11 chickens and they have a coop which states it takes up to 15 chickens which has 2 nest boxes. They have a 10 x 10 x 6 run (dog pen) with ledges and perches to explore and sit on. They have plenty of
