We have finally got our chickens. Bec, Hetty and Sarah and dear little things they are. They have ad lib growers pellets, grit, have had pumpkin slice, bit of cabbage, sliced apple- what else can they have or not have as the case might be.
Also do cats pose a problem for them. Ours got a sharp peck on the nose when she went to investigate but some of the cats around here are enormous. Should I put a bit of mesh over the top of their area? (8 foot by 6 foot)They get locked in at night.
Also do cats pose a problem for them. Ours got a sharp peck on the nose when she went to investigate but some of the cats around here are enormous. Should I put a bit of mesh over the top of their area? (8 foot by 6 foot)They get locked in at night.