hi all
an update on carmen and a thank you to everyone who replied to try and help. rang thorne's in the end, where she came from as she started doing yolky poo. they reckon she had an egg crack inside of her which can be dangerous as toxins can build up, they suggested cider vinegar in the water as there is acid in there that helps with bacteria. thorne's were fantastic, really sympathetic and helpful with advice. anyhow felt so sorry for carmen all hunched up, managed to encourage her to eat some sweetcorn out my hand, i secretly added poultry spice and she perked up!! it seemed the more she pooed the better she became! was almost back to normal by roosting time and looked fine when i shut the pop hole so fingers crossed all of you please that she is okay in morning. thanks again my friends. x
an update on carmen and a thank you to everyone who replied to try and help. rang thorne's in the end, where she came from as she started doing yolky poo. they reckon she had an egg crack inside of her which can be dangerous as toxins can build up, they suggested cider vinegar in the water as there is acid in there that helps with bacteria. thorne's were fantastic, really sympathetic and helpful with advice. anyhow felt so sorry for carmen all hunched up, managed to encourage her to eat some sweetcorn out my hand, i secretly added poultry spice and she perked up!! it seemed the more she pooed the better she became! was almost back to normal by roosting time and looked fine when i shut the pop hole so fingers crossed all of you please that she is okay in morning. thanks again my friends. x
