My new Black Stars have been laying for a couple of weeks or so, every morning 2 little brown eggs and 2 or 3 huge eggs from the ex-batts. I've been out for the day today but I collected the usual 2 little brown eggs and 1 large thin-shelled egg (that broke in my dressing-gown pocket!!) at 6.30 this morning. Came back and checked the coop and do a count-up that they were all there, and lo and behold, another tiny brown egg in the next box! So, either 1 one the Bluebelles has come into lay, or 1 of the Black Stars laid 2 today. None of the eggs have what I would describe as a "plum blush" though
No announcement yet.
Could this be a Bluebelle egg? :)
Funnily enough my Bluebelle has laid her first egg today too! Its definitely her as the Black rock has been laying about a month and the Sussex is showing NO signs at all and still squeaks like a baby chick! Mine was a 55g lightish brown egg - no plum blush! Suppose it depends on what type of plums!!! I too have thin or no shells on occasion from the ex-battery girls.
You're all making me jealous....I sooooo want an egg!!!!
How long must I wait??I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!
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My "baby" girls are about 24 - 25 weeks old. Bluebell has just this week started crouching down when I put my hand out to her. It's usually a reasonably good sign that they've matured enough to breed, that's what they do when there's a cockeral aroundPansy (the other Bluebelle) is still a bit skittish
My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there
I only have two layers- the others are too young at the moment. BUT....if I stand next to those two and lower my hand to touch them, they suddenly squat and hunch up their wings- the others just run off! ( as Maureen was saying)
I understand this is an invitation to make babiesand an indication they are growing eggs . ( no idea what they do when they're too old to lay though
Give it a go!
I think some breeds reach point of lay at different ages but is 26 weeks a rule of thumb?????"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Just a thought...we bought a couple of those wooden eggs for the nesting boxes to give the girls an idea of where to lay.
Betty sat on it on and off for a few minutes each day tucking it underneath with her beak ( * images of King Penguins in Antarctica*).
Then she started laying.
However Bertha - as you know- hid them underneath to start with....she's in the nest box now chattering away to herself and rearranging the huge wooded egg - about to lay.
I'm going to check up in a few's lovely holding a freshly laid egg- don't they smell nice ...and aren't they hot???
We cooked an egg a couple of days ago which was minutes old and when we put it in the frying pan, it was almost spherical...lovely!"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
If you buy point of lay pullets they're usually 18 - 20 weeks. My Black Rock started laying at 23 weeks and the Bluebelle was 27 weeks. I always understood 23 weeks was about the time of laying. I guess they'll start when they feel like it! My Sussex pullet is the same age as the other 2 but shows no sign at all. If you feel below the vent the are 2 bones which stick out - if you can feel a decent gap then they're laying (the width of my thumb plus a bit is my guide!) Its just another pointer and if you check them regularly you'll notice the gap increasing. The squatting usually seems to begin about a week before they start. That's been my experience anyway.
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