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Natural hatched chicks with silver laced Barnvelder broody


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  • Natural hatched chicks with silver laced Barnvelder broody

    My broody sat devotedly for 21 days on some bought in eggs and 3 hatched. The dark brown one is a Welsummer but the other 2 no idea - maybe one is a Buff Orp.
    I chose to have Lucky Dip!
    The dark brown last to hatch and I had to intervene a bit as the membrane was very dry and it was a very small egg and the chick very big,! I know one is not meant to interfere but there were 2 other chicks already more than 24 hours old. Anyway a bit of help then left it to do the last bit and in the morning - voila!
    They are all roaming the garden and spurning the chick feed - none of my hens will willingly eat pellets and I wouldn't eat the either!
    My younger dog did try to get one but she got a double barrel from the mother hen and me - the granny hen!!

  • #2
    Those are lovely!…well done mommy and granny hen! Such fun watching chick with their mommy too.

    Just a heads up though…this post could well be lost as the upgrade thingy hasn’t yet been completed. Do please share this again if it does disappear.
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


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