hi all
visualise this. me late for work, final check on girls in their fenced off area before i leave and only one in there. big carmen is free ranging in the garden after jumping the fence. miranda is all drama queen making noises because carmen as flown the nest!! carmen knows i want to put her back so the chase begins, under bench, under hedge, round the bird table, oh joys of joy, me slipping around in my work shoes, carmen having a ball, 2 grapes later carmen back in pen. i look like i have been dragged thru hedge backwards (almost correct!!). joys of chicken keeping!!!

visualise this. me late for work, final check on girls in their fenced off area before i leave and only one in there. big carmen is free ranging in the garden after jumping the fence. miranda is all drama queen making noises because carmen as flown the nest!! carmen knows i want to put her back so the chase begins, under bench, under hedge, round the bird table, oh joys of joy, me slipping around in my work shoes, carmen having a ball, 2 grapes later carmen back in pen. i look like i have been dragged thru hedge backwards (almost correct!!). joys of chicken keeping!!!
