Arrived at the allotment this afternoon to find one of my newest chickens hanging upside down by her foot!!!!
I had hung a brussel sprout plant in the run and I can only assume the chooks had pecked at it until it came free leaving a loop of string. Somehow, I know not how, as the loop was 3 foot off the ground, one of my POL chooks managed to get one of its feet in the loop!
I feared the worst and just threw down the pile of stale bread I had for them and lifted her up to take the weight off her foot. After untangling her and giving her a bit of a cuddle I put her down and she went straight and grabbed a lump of bread.
She seems none the worse for being upside down for who knows how long. Her foot was a bit cold...........but so would mine be if I had been hanging upside down by my ankle!
Cripes knows how long she had been there.............just goes to show have to expect the unexpected with chooks!

I had hung a brussel sprout plant in the run and I can only assume the chooks had pecked at it until it came free leaving a loop of string. Somehow, I know not how, as the loop was 3 foot off the ground, one of my POL chooks managed to get one of its feet in the loop!
I feared the worst and just threw down the pile of stale bread I had for them and lifted her up to take the weight off her foot. After untangling her and giving her a bit of a cuddle I put her down and she went straight and grabbed a lump of bread.

She seems none the worse for being upside down for who knows how long. Her foot was a bit cold...........but so would mine be if I had been hanging upside down by my ankle!
Cripes knows how long she had been there.............just goes to show have to expect the unexpected with chooks!
