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Henrietta is 'off colour' - HELP.


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  • Henrietta is 'off colour' - HELP.

    Up until now I've not had to ask any advice on a poorly bird, thank goodness, but...the time has come.

    Today Henrietta has been VERY off colour. She's been haunched up in her run, puffed up HUGE, with her eyes half closed - just sitting there. I've tried to tempt her with food, but she's not interested in the slightest. I checked her over, but she appears to be fine - no obvious signs of illness or injury - however, I checked her vent and it seems to be kind of pulsating...could she be trying to lay her first egg (she's 25 weeks old on Christmas day)? or is this normal? She does appear to be pulsating whilst puffed up too....but it's just in the middle of her run.

    I know it's a bad time of year of egg production, but she is a faverolle so potentially is a good winter layer.

    Any suggestions what I should do for her? - I hate to admit it, but she's my fav and I couldn't cope with any more deaths this side of Christmas.

    All advice GREATLY appreciated!!!

    I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

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  • #2
    Bearing in mind that I don't have chickens, so could easily be wrong, I think a trip to the vets might be needed;
    Signs of Egg Binding in Birds -- Eggbinding in Birds -- Symptoms of Egg Bound Birds


    • #3
      Have a feel round her bottom, if it's hot and swollen then there could be a problem. Is she pooing and drinking? Try and tempt her to eat with some fruit (grapes, strawberries) or mealworms. She's still a very young bird so as you say, it might be her first egg on its way and she's not sure what's happening. If she's no better by tonight, then get the vet to give her a quick once-over, you don't want a poorly chook over Christmas. Best of luck and I hope she gets better soon xxx
      My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


      • #4
        Hope Henrietta is better soon. I've gone through similar with nearly all of mine and fortunately they have all improved after a few days. I notice that the vent seems to be pulsating in any hen I pick up to check. Not sure iff they do that all the time anyway or if it's because they are being handled. I really hope it's Henrietta's first egg on it's way.


        • #5
          Good luck Bephlam, Cocoa is similar but I know she isn't egg bound as she laid yesterday, she's fluffed with eyes half closed and then perks up then is down, I'm putting it down to winter chill although that didn't help Hoppy, at least Cocoa is eating. Does sound like Henrietta is eggbound though
          Hayley B

          John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

          An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


          • #6
            I've felt around her vent, etc and I can't feel anything. I don't think she's egg bound because she's perked up a bit today. Unfortunately I was working from 8am this morning, so only just walked in the door and of course by now she's in bed.

            My partner says she looked ok today....but I'll need to check for myself, I'm a total panic merchant when it comes to my animals!!
            I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

            Our Blog -


            • #7
              How is Henrietta today? Hope she's OK.


              • #8
                Hope that Henrietta is better now. Just to say that of our 4 (marans) 2 did this on a fairly regular basis when they first started laying - they'd have a day or two of sitting hunched up, not feeding and looking like they were about to die. They'd either finally lay an egg and then perk up, or just perk up anyway after a day or two. We now give them poultry spice on a regular basis and touch wood they have been fine for the past 8 weeks or so (though these two have both given up on the egg laying for winter now). One of them laid a soft egg as her first one and it took about 4 days and she was really, really sorry for herself both before and for a day or so afterwards. Only helpful thing that I can say is that if it is a 'first egg' thing then a bit of poultry spice, grapes to tempt them to eat and shutting the others away to give them the chance to eat quiety on their own for a bit is all that helped for us.


                • #9
                  Sorry I have nothing helpful to offer, but hope she's better today and let us know later on


                  • #10
                    Hi All, sorry I haven't posted in a few days...but with all the Christmas festivities I haven't got around to it. Henrietta is brilliant now (thank goodness) egg, but she's back to normal (wonder what was wrong with her?).

                    I bought them a stainless steel mirror for Xmas - what a laugh....they're constantly round it admiring themselves. Vanity and chickens - never something I would have put in the same sentence before!!
                    I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

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                    • #11
                      That's great news Bephlam, so glad it was just an 'off day' for Henrietta.
                      LOL @ the mirror


                      • #12
                        So pleased she's better, but sorry you didn't get an egg.


                        • #13
                          Phew, that's a relief, sounds like Cocoa who seems a lot better in the last couple of days, I think it's the cold that's making them a bit depressed.
                          Hayley B

                          John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

                          An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


                          • #14
                            It could have been a soft shelled egg that got laid in the run and then all the evidence gobbled up?
                            It seems classic "stomach ache" behaviour and put me in a real panic when I first saw it in a young hen. The first time it happened I was able to watch for ages and I saw Enid - all doom and gloom - drop the failed egg and perk up almost immediately.
                            It also disappeared very swiftly down the gullets of the other hens.



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