As the thread title says I found four eggs today (remeber one day last wweek where the egg couint was down) they were under some straw which must have been kicked over them by the chooks.
Wasn't sure how long they'd lain there so broke em into a pan(they actually looked ok) and mixed some poultry spice and some stalle bread and corn in with it, put it in a dish and gave it to the chooks as a pick me up............they loved it and were climbing over each other to get to it. I've seen the time I wouldn't have done this (cannibalism,encouraging egg eating) but,................ waste not want not............................. and it did them good as well!
Wasn't sure how long they'd lain there so broke em into a pan(they actually looked ok) and mixed some poultry spice and some stalle bread and corn in with it, put it in a dish and gave it to the chooks as a pick me up............they loved it and were climbing over each other to get to it. I've seen the time I wouldn't have done this (cannibalism,encouraging egg eating) but,................ waste not want not............................. and it did them good as well!
