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  • Buzzards

    My neighbour tells me there has been a buzzard flying overhead for the past few days. I must admit I haven't seen it. Anyway she was worried it might be contemplating taking one of my chooks. As my girls are ex-batts and rather large I didn't think so but now I am wondering. I always leave the girls in the enclosed run until about 10am then let them onto the lawn (use the term loosely as there's no grass left!) They hate being shut in and love being out. I usually only worry about a fox. Does anyone think a buzzard could take a large hen?

  • #2
    Depends on the size of buzzard I would think. I know the ones we saw in France would have a go at new lambs but they were big beggers. Hopefully a more knowledgable Vine will be along soon
    WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


    • #3
      Yes, but very unlikely unless very hungry. At this time of year the main diet for buzzards is carrion (roadkill) mice, voles, worms, beetles etc. Buzzards are very lazy creatures , sitting in trees or on fence posts waiting for their food to walk by! So ... how do I know all this? Here is a pic of me with Elsa, my Red tailed Buzzard, now she would take a hen or duck, pheasant, partridge, hare, rabbit but she is almost twice the size of a European Buzzard.
      Attached Files

      Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


      • #4
        She is absolutely beautiful!
        WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


        • #5
          What a lovely bird!

          We have 3 buzzards flying around here and the locals said they only seem to take young hens- they said my point of lay bantams would be fine...and so far they've been fine

          Having said that the gals ( and boys) certainly have the instinct to dash back to the chook house if they hear them calling in the sky.
          I know they'll eat hedgehogs though- and they can be 2kg-but I suppose they take the younger, lighter ones.

          don't think I'd worry too much to be honest...but then again!
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            Elsa is lovely.........but don't let her fly over my house. I still haven't seen this buzzard overhead but know they usually stick to the New Forest which is only a couple of miles away. I do live between 2 parks where there are masses of rabbits so maybe it's looking for these. Usually if the girls hear a loud noise they either dash into the covered run or all huddle together. I did think they would be a bit big to be carried off but I am also a worry guts!


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