Just for a minute I wondered if eggs could get smaller ( they are usually 35g) as one this morning has weighed in at 19g ( awwwww)
Suddenly I noticed one of the cockerels mounting Alice ( who is point of lay in January) and the penny dropped ( yey!!!!)
It was only last night that I read a cockerel will only mount a laying hen....so 2+ 1 = I've got 3 chooks a laying now!!!
Out of interest a couple of weeks ago I found on the floor of the chookhouse a piece of what looked like rubber eggshell completely empty and torn. It was normal size so I doubt it was a POL gift.Strange cos all the other eggs have had good strong shells ( a double bash on the side of the pan sort of thickness)
Nothing like a solid rubber egg- just an empty , thin 'cast' of an egg.
Nothing like that since though!
Suddenly I noticed one of the cockerels mounting Alice ( who is point of lay in January) and the penny dropped ( yey!!!!)
It was only last night that I read a cockerel will only mount a laying hen....so 2+ 1 = I've got 3 chooks a laying now!!!

Out of interest a couple of weeks ago I found on the floor of the chookhouse a piece of what looked like rubber eggshell completely empty and torn. It was normal size so I doubt it was a POL gift.Strange cos all the other eggs have had good strong shells ( a double bash on the side of the pan sort of thickness)
Nothing like a solid rubber egg- just an empty , thin 'cast' of an egg.
Nothing like that since though!
