friday is D day (should that be C day???) i'm picking up 2 POL just to get me going until the next ex-bat rescue in my area, and i wanted a little bit of experience before i get them. anyway reading the threads over the last few days i'm having sleepless nights about keeping them. I've got the house which i've put on paving slaps with a run attached which is on grass. i intend to let them free range around the garden when we're about but when at work or out confine them to the run. Does this sound ok for them? am really anxious about mr or mrs fox but what else should i be aware of? Also do i really need to buy special feeders or will the metal dogs bowls ive got suffice? ive also got a litter tray which i was going to let them use as a 'bath' if i put a mixture of kiddies play sand and earth in it will that be ok? anything else i should be thinking of??? sorry for all the questions but i wasnt as nervous as this when i became a mum to DD
