Another of my ex-batts has decided to go broody and is starting to lay her clutch in the straw in the corner of the run. This morning she headed straight for her nest and after a while came out to have breakfast with the others. I decided to go and collect the egg as my Amber link was showing an unhealthy interest in that corner. What I actually found was a few tiny immature eggs - different sizes, no shells but definitely eggs. (Have had the funny rubbery things before - it wasn't that)
The hen is very healthy, has been laying decent sized egg with good shell. She's fully feathered and eating and drinking well so I'm not concerned about her but just wondered if anyone else had come across this? If I hadn't been on the spot I suspect all evidence would have been consumed!
The hen is very healthy, has been laying decent sized egg with good shell. She's fully feathered and eating and drinking well so I'm not concerned about her but just wondered if anyone else had come across this? If I hadn't been on the spot I suspect all evidence would have been consumed!