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Bad Kitty


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  • Bad Kitty

    Our chooks currently have a spacious permanent run, which is a great improvement on their previous home (battery farm). All the same, I'd like to leave them free-ranging in the garden while we're at work (9am-6pm) especially in the summer.

    My question is - will they be at risk from cats? There are a few lurking around the garden already, despite our Stig's best efforts. Has anyone lost a chicken to a domestic cat?
    Resistance is fertile

  • #2
    Our cat was initially terrified of the chooks, then he got brave and decided to have a go at one. I guess the hens came out on top as TRex now treats them with a healthy respect and keeps out of range!!
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      Mine views from afar and certainly has shown no interest in chasing /attacking them- and neither have the neighbours nor the ferrule cat.
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        I have one cat and my neighbours have 5 so I was initially worried about what would happen when I let the chooks out, especially as when I first got the girls all 7 cats (I've since lost one of mine ) turned up to sit around the run and stare at them which understandably distressed them a bit at the time as they were only 24hrs out of the battery... But by the time I was ready to let the 3 girls out free-ranging they were so used to the cats being around that they just blanked them and that cats that were brave enough to enter the garden when they're out (my cat is scared of them and keeps his distance) just looked confused as to why these big feathery toys that should try to run/fly away and be entertaining were ignoring them completely.. AS far as I know there has never been any altercation between chicken and feline kind and I feel certain that if one of them did pluck up the courage to try there luck they'd get alot more than they bargained for.. All in all, as long as you keep an eye when they're first out (and you won't be able to resist it anyway, seeing them discover the world is addictive..) I'd say you have nothing to worry about
        I have a dream:
        a dream that, one day, chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.


        • #5
          My cat loved the chickens, in the summer when it got too hot, I would go and find him in the hen house, the chickens weren't bothered at all.


          • #6
            A chicken can usually see off a cat. I'd be more worried about foxes. Our farming neighbour has had hens taken in broad daylight by a fox. His are in an enclosed orchard but the foxes can get over the 4ft wall no bother.
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #7
              I personally wouldn't be happy leaving my girls free-ranging when no one was home to keep an eye on often hear of a fox coming in to the garden during the day to grab a meal on the go...or neighbourhood dogs.

              Mine free range almost every day, but there is ALWAYS someone around....

              I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

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              • #8
                One of my cats had a swipe at one of the chooks, but no claws so don't think he meant it. Think he was just jealous of the chickens getting food while he got nothign. Not seen any of the other neighbourhood cats anywhere near.

                make sure you've not got any foxes about though.....


                • #9
                  I let mine have the run of the garden when I'm out and don't have any problems with cats or foxes (touches wood). The only problem I've ever encountered is the run door blown closed in the wind and they were unable to get back in at night! I was frantically running round the garden with a torch looking for then (...another bad chicken mother...). But they were roosted fine and suffered no ill effects!


                  • #10
                    i wouldnt leave mine out when i'm not at home, a colleague at work lost 2 to foxes in the early evening when she was in the house! Mine are in the run when we're not about
                    The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


                    • #11
                      There might be an initial stand off between the said cat and chicken but after that they will show mutual respect for one another ! Your birds will be happy free rangnig all day. As long as the fence to the garden is big enough for them not to get over you will be laughing. Our cats and chickens get on really well.
                      I don't hold up much hope for your vegetable patch or flower garden though ha ha ha !
                      The link to my old website with vegetable garden and poultry photographs



                      • #12
                        Same as everyone else has said really. My cat is an avid bird-catcher and did "think" about having a go at the chooks when I first got them, but they just stood as tall as they could, flared out their neck feathers and opened their wings and the cat ran hell for leather over the fence and back into the house Mine are out in the garden run all day every day but I'm worried that an urban fox may have a go one day. I've got 7' high fences all around and I don't think a fox could get in but I suppose it depends on how determined they are really
                        My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                        • #13
                          Thanks for the advice grapes. I think I'll be ok leaving them out in broad daylight, as I'm right in the Town Centre and it's pretty busy. Will shut them in as the light fades though, as we do have foxes around in the small hours.

                          However, this means not letting them out on work days at the moment - dark too early. They'll have to wait until summer!
                          Last edited by Paul Wagland; 17-01-2009, 03:57 PM.
                          Resistance is fertile


                          • #14
                            We have three cats, and they don't as much as look at the girls. Our baby cat, Alfie, loves them...he's always with them. If they're out, he's out....if they're in their house, he's in their house. It's love...
                            I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

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