Trouble is that once you've let them free range, there's no going back. My lot are shut in for an hour in the morning to make sure they get a good beak-full of layers' mash before they go out, and after about half an hour the lot of them run up and down in front of the door to the run pecking the wire and yelling to be let out.
I'm sitting at my desk not thinking about work, and trying not to worry even more than usual about them. Next door's hens are much nearer the field than mine are as they've got them in an extra paddock at the bottom of the gardens, and my neighbour is around all day, but I'm still wibbling
I'm sitting at my desk not thinking about work, and trying not to worry even more than usual about them. Next door's hens are much nearer the field than mine are as they've got them in an extra paddock at the bottom of the gardens, and my neighbour is around all day, but I'm still wibbling