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Chooks in the snow


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  • #16
    One or two ventured out at opening time this morning I went back at 9 and half had come out my big rough tough Orpington was still roosting pretending he didn�t care about the snow but I knew different!
    I finally went into parent mode at 11 and cleared out the hen house and shooed them all into the entrance of the poly tunnel as there was pasta, peanuts, corn, pellets and a few green leaves as a running buffet in this cold weather!!
    Got I am hard on that lot!!!
    "Did you ever walk in a room and forget why you walked in? I think that's how dogs spend their lives."


    • #17
      Originally posted by CoraxAurata View Post
      I put a corn on the cob in a water dish when they peck it it turns keeping some access to the water - handy if you have one anyway..............
      What a good idea CoraxAurata! Welcome to the vine btw!
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #18
        mine werent happy with it this morning & stood at the pop hole telling me off!!!! eventually they decided to eat their porridge, honestly theyre worse than kids.,,,,,about 4pm when i got home they had decided to call it a day and were already in bed
        The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Snadger View Post
          What a good idea CoraxAurata! Welcome to the vine btw!
          Thank you!

          I feel a bit of a fraud as this is mainly a gardening forum and my garden is ....well I've marked out where the veg patch will be......

          But poultry... I'm well populated <g>


          • #20
            Phew - they let us go at half four so we just got home in time to say goodnight. Thankfully the water was unfrozen, and all of them were okay. In desperate need of mealworms, though, they managed to tell me

            All tucked up for the night, and the runway has been salted so hopefully should be okay for them tomorrow morning

            Welcome CoraxAurata (where does your name come from BTW?) and thanks to you and Suechooks for the advice


            • #21
              Mine were bemused to say the least but were up for wandering round the garden as normal. However, I'm being very careful bout Foxy Foxy now the snows here so only let them out when I was making a snowman. (I've more rabbits than you can shake a stick at here but snow keeps them in their warrens and 4 bright coloured hens on a white background is tooooo much of a red flag me thinks.) Anywho, got 2 eggs so not too miffed at not free ranging today.


              • #22
                Ours were a bit slow to come out of their 'cupboard' this morning. they do look funny in the snow - not sure what do do with it but fairly unfazed really. Sorry about the colour - think someone has been messing with my camera
                Attached Files
                Happy Gardening,


                • #23
                  "Well one day's ok but we're a bit miffed it's still here this morning!" Poor things spent yesterday huddled in the straw in the covered run apart from a short foray across the allotment when some of them tried to hop across from one tyre to the next avoiding all contact with the ground! My old Speckledy just went straight to bed and sat tight on the perch this morning! Expecting a drop in egg production as they're all sulking!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Hashette View Post
                    Phew - they let us go at half four so we just got home in time to say goodnight. Thankfully the water was unfrozen, and all of them were okay. In desperate need of mealworms, though, they managed to tell me

                    All tucked up for the night, and the runway has been salted so hopefully should be okay for them tomorrow morning

                    Welcome CoraxAurata (where does your name come from BTW?) and thanks to you and Suechooks for the advice

                    My name is just part of my theme for screennames (usually Raven based) I'm a bit of a fanstasy/ sci-fi fan and its kind of inkeeping with that while still being tied with my fascination with all things nature...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Suechooks View Post
                      "Well one day's ok but we're a bit miffed it's still here this morning!" Poor things spent yesterday huddled in the straw in the covered run apart from a short foray across the allotment when some of them tried to hop across from one tyre to the next avoiding all contact with the ground! My old Speckledy just went straight to bed and sat tight on the perch this morning! Expecting a drop in egg production as they're all sulking!
                      We don't have any snow lying at all! had a few flakes come down yesterday but so far just damp and a little dismal! OH has decided to stop smoking this a.m. so no doubt I'll be out hiding with the chooks by p.m!


                      • #26
                        Chooks weren't too bothered by snow yesterday. We have a covered enclosed run but they still wanted to free range which bothered us more as we have to be with them. It's snowing again now and quite thick outside, yet they still want to come out of run. Had 4 eggs yesterday and 3 so far today and we only have 5 chooks so egg production is not down but this might be because they are getting them back to eat with their porridge as being wormed with a sheep wormer at the mo.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by CoraxAurata View Post
                          We don't have any snow lying at all! had a few flakes come down yesterday but so far just damp and a little dismal! OH has decided to stop smoking this a.m. so no doubt I'll be out hiding with the chooks by p.m!
                          Must be a change for you up there in the Very north! We rarely get a great deal here but as my girls are a mile away on my allotment it does make life that bit more difficult!
                          I'd take a duvet and move in with the chooks if OH ever decided to quit smoking!!!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Suechooks View Post
                            Must be a change for you up there in the Very north! We rarely get a great deal here but as my girls are a mile away on my allotment it does make life that bit more difficult!
                            I'd take a duvet and move in with the chooks if OH ever decided to quit smoking!!!
                            I love that I can watch my chooks out the kitchen window, the pics in my album were taken from there...My garden is great for poultry (we are very lucky) but the tree roots make it hard for growing veg so we've got to build some raised beds.... its been in the planning stage for 2 years now mostly because at the crucial time of year (spring) I work away....

                            OH has decided today might not be the day after all <G>


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by CoraxAurata View Post
                              I love that I can watch my chooks out the kitchen window, the pics in my album were taken from there...My garden is great for poultry (we are very lucky) but the tree roots make it hard for growing veg so we've got to build some raised beds.... its been in the planning stage for 2 years now mostly because at the crucial time of year (spring) I work away....

                              OH has decided today might not be the day after all <G>
                              Phew - bet that's a relief!
                              Love the sound of your place. Used to have a place with 2 acres - all on slopes so little hope of veg growing but like you we had loadsa chooks which joyfully demolished all the beautiful terraces constructed by previous owners!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by frias View Post
                                4 eggs yesterday and 3 so far today and we only have 5 chooks so egg production is not down
                                Clap Clap the contrary mary has decided to up her quota to 1 egg a day since snowing. I will NEVER understand them!!


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