the chooks haven't been out for a couple of days, so thought i'd let em have a run round the kitchen, whilst i cleaned them out (found about 1/4 bag of shavings
) ...... anyway, they were having fun, especially tormenting cleo, who has now realised that eating them isn't an option, but really really wants them to love her she was trying the cute heatbutting thing on all of them whilst they just looked at her like she's stoopid
anyway, to the point, coco and buttercup were pushing each other around as usual (they snuggle up together on the perch at night) and they munched on a few slugs, then proceeded to clean pingu and neva's beaks of slug slime, bless em they looked like they were having kisses, but all of a sudden, elvira started attacking buttercup in that chickeny foot first way that cockerels do, and looking at her head, she seems to have developed a big comb, like the 2 boys, and i'm really worried that she might be a boy too
though her legs aren't quite as thick, but looking at some marans chickens earlier, the boys are darker than the girls, and she seems to be more dark, though i'm hoping it might be cos she's crossed with something ??????????
then horror of horrors about half an hour later phoenix did the same to coco, and they had a proper big scrap which resulted in phoenix (half the size of coco) knocking him off his feet and ending up with a beak full of feathers, looking at her/his legs, in comparison to the big boys they are thinner, but as thick as the definite girls legs, but she/he is very small and totally different breeding/size/shape but still a tiny comb (possibly cream legbar???) ....... so now i'm in a panic, that i might actually have 4 boys after all
do you think it's just them sorting out pecking orders, or am i likely to get a proper cock fight with bloodshed on my hands?? i'm worried now

anyway, to the point, coco and buttercup were pushing each other around as usual (they snuggle up together on the perch at night) and they munched on a few slugs, then proceeded to clean pingu and neva's beaks of slug slime, bless em they looked like they were having kisses, but all of a sudden, elvira started attacking buttercup in that chickeny foot first way that cockerels do, and looking at her head, she seems to have developed a big comb, like the 2 boys, and i'm really worried that she might be a boy too

then horror of horrors about half an hour later phoenix did the same to coco, and they had a proper big scrap which resulted in phoenix (half the size of coco) knocking him off his feet and ending up with a beak full of feathers, looking at her/his legs, in comparison to the big boys they are thinner, but as thick as the definite girls legs, but she/he is very small and totally different breeding/size/shape but still a tiny comb (possibly cream legbar???) ....... so now i'm in a panic, that i might actually have 4 boys after all

do you think it's just them sorting out pecking orders, or am i likely to get a proper cock fight with bloodshed on my hands?? i'm worried now
