I've noticed that Betty's comb is slightly darkened at its tips..could this be a touch of frostbite?
It's been like that a couple of weeks- and no- I've not used Vaseline...am I a bad mummmy????
She's got black and grey speckled feathers - are their combs always red coloured????( the wattle is fine)
Urmm..will it always be marked now- or will it peel and recover?? All the other gals and boys are fine!
It's been like that a couple of weeks- and no- I've not used Vaseline...am I a bad mummmy????

She's got black and grey speckled feathers - are their combs always red coloured????( the wattle is fine)
Urmm..will it always be marked now- or will it peel and recover?? All the other gals and boys are fine!