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  • Flubenvet

    I need to worm my hens and have a number of questions.
    Is Flubenvet the best thing? and can I still eat the eggs during/after worming? If you use it how do you make sure each hen gets the right dose?
    I asked at the Vet and they don't keep it, will order it for me at £25.43 for 240g.
    That sounds hideously expensive, how long would that last for 5 hens and lastly, money being tight is there a cheaper supply?

    best wishes
    PS Have read about Verm-X but hear mixed reports on its success

  • #2
    I've found Flubenvet to be about the best thing. I get mine online from Pet Dispensary, £13.75 for 240g so yes, your vet is ripping you off!
    The easiest way to give it to them is to first work out how much feed they eat in a week, put that amount into a separate sack or container, put the appropriate dose of medication into the food and mix it thoroughly. The chooks have their usual amount of food each day then (medicated) and absolutely no treats or extras until all the medicated food has been eaten.

    Hope this helps
    Last edited by MaureenHall; 14-02-2009, 06:33 AM.
    My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


    • #3
      Crikey, how much per hen is given and how often is it needed me thinking 23 hens
      Hayley B

      John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

      An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


      • #4
        I paid £12 for a tub and had to sign lots of papers for it. With only 5 hens it's easier to dose each hen seperately, although hens will try to steal more than one grape so segregate each one to dose. Cut a grape in half, dip a sharp knife in Flubenvet and smear powder on grape. Do this for 7 days. One tub will last longer than the hens. It's safe to eat eggs although not advised if you're pregnant. I found all this is on the Omlet website.


        • #5
          Right, hope I can explain this properly

          For chickens, the recommended dose is 120g per 100kg of food (that's 5 sacks, and you wouldn't be feeding all that to the chooks in 1 week would you!) So how I did it was to weigh the amount I normally put in the feeder for a day, multiply that by 7, then calculate how much Flubenvet to add to the food.

          e.g. If chooks are having between them 1.5 kg food a day, times 7 days, that's 10.5kg (I round it down to 10kg and put that into an empty sack.) Add to that 12g (about 2 teaspoons) of medication and mix it up really well. The only food the chooks have that week is from the medicated sack. Extras and treats are strictly given only when all the day's "ration" has been eaten.
          My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


          • #6
            I got mine from the Vet, at the expensive price, but no rigmarole or paperwork. I sprinkle it over and mix it into their mash for seven days, and like everyone else, withhold treats until all is eaten.

            I am led to believe that you just need to worm them in spring and autumn, and you can carry on eating the eggs right through. I wormed my ex-batts, as some of them were producing yellow frothy poo, then a few weeks later I got the ex-free rangers, so I've just wormed them again to be sure. I have done this as they are out on grass, and now that half of it is under water the little bu**ers are digging for England, so who knows what they're eating!
            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


            • #7
              The paperwork is to ensure that dosage has been explained to you and that you don't sell the eggs whilst worming although it is safe to eat them. I asked why if it was safe couldn't you sell them and was told in case they are sold to someone pregnant. I guess if you are pregnant yourself, it's at your own risk.
              If you have lots of chickens then it's easiest to mix with food but I found the grape method works with just a few. That way I know they have all been dosed and there's no waste.
              I think the 240gm would last for years even with lots of chooks. I wish I could post links to other sites as on the Omlet site there is photos of grape method. I have tried but the links just don't work for me. Grrrrrrr.


              • #8
                The grape method sounds like a good one to me frias - I certainly wouldn't have thought of it myself!
                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • #9
                  Thanks v much for the advice.
                  I've read the Vet's notes again and it looks as if another £10 is to be added just for ordering it in so will try Pet Dispensary as that would be more than double their price.
                  And will be buying some grapes as an experiment, last time they tried them they thought they were not as good as strawberries.
                  Could I not put it in their porridge in the morning then I'd know they'd clean their plates?
                  best wishes


                  • #10
                    No reason why you can't use strawberries or put it in the porridge. My lot love grapes. So much that you have to be careful that they don't snatch each others grape. I might try in the porridge next time.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by frias View Post
                      No reason why you can't use strawberries or put it in the porridge. My lot love grapes. So much that you have to be careful that they don't snatch each others grape. I might try in the porridge next time.
                      I looked on the Omlet site last night but couldn't find the bit about the grapes. What heading is it under please Frias? Does it tell you how much to give per hen?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Suechooks View Post
                        I looked on the Omlet site last night but couldn't find the bit about the grapes. What heading is it under please Frias? Does it tell you how much to give per hen?
                        Oh heck,I can't find photos now. My computer skills are the Christopher Columbus method. No idea where I'm going or how I got there but sometimes make a discovery! Here goes for the rest.
                        Go to
                        Along top of page click on 'Club'
                        Then 'The Club Forum'
                        Then 'About Poultry health'
                        Half way down 'Worms-Treatment and Prevention'

                        Dose is the tip of a sharp knife per hen per day. Good luck!


                        • #13
                          Thank you! Got it now!
                          Last edited by Suechooks; 15-02-2009, 05:45 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sue View Post
                            I need to worm my hens and have a number of questions.
                            Is Flubenvet the best thing? and can I still eat the eggs during/after worming? If you use it how do you make sure each hen gets the right dose?
                            I asked at the Vet and they don't keep it, will order it for me at £25.43 for 240g.
                            That sounds hideously expensive, how long would that last for 5 hens and lastly, money being tight is there a cheaper supply?

                            best wishes
                            PS Have read about Verm-X but hear mixed reports on its success
                            I don't know how to start a new thread, so I'm posting here.

                            With all the problems of red mite a while ago, I completely forgot to worm my hens This
                            morning I found a poo full of worms so have started to worm them with Flubenvet 1%.
                            I'm not good at maths so maybe someone who help me out here.
                            I have 5 hens

                            How much Flubenveet 1% do I have to give for the 7 days because I'd like to premix it
                            with corn so that they will eat it all every day before I give them their layers pellets.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by colliebird View Post
                              I don't know how to start a new thread, so I'm posting here.

                              With all the problems of red mite a while ago, I completely forgot to worm my hens This
                              morning I found a poo full of worms so have started to worm them with Flubenvet 1%.
                              I'm not good at maths so maybe someone who help me out here.
                              I have 5 hens

                              How much Flubenveet 1% do I have to give for the 7 days because I'd like to premix it
                              with corn so that they will eat it all every day before I give them their layers pellets.

                              I give as much as will go on the point of a knife per bird per day. It's not an exact dose and in previous discussions knowledgable folk firmly believe it's almost impossible to overdose.
                              I have just wormed some new ex-batts and put the above dose in their morning mash plus the amount you mix with the pellets as well. (It tells you on the pack - I think its a 6g (a scoop) iin 4 kg of pellets but check that). I just keep it in a lidded bucket and fill the feeder as normal for a week.
                              If you've actually seen worms you need to give a good dose.
                              I've also given it to each hen on a grape or piece of soggy bread. I make them wait outside the run and let them in one at a time then shut them in the house till they're all dosed to ensure no one misses out.
                              Hope that helps!
                              BTW to srart a new thread you just click on the "New Thread" tab at the top of the menu page
                              Last edited by Suechooks; 12-11-2009, 01:24 PM.


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