Im new to owning Chickens and new to this site. I was invited by a fellow chicken owner
I have three girls, Batman, Robin and The Yoker and have had them for about a fortnight now. Batman is a jubilee orpington, Robin is a splash orpington and The Yoker is a light sussex x orpington. The yoker has been laying eggs daily since she arrived but the orpington girls (about 4mths old) are yet to start laying.
At what age do they start to lay? Does anybody know?
Im worried that The Yoker is ruling the roost a bit as she seems to be bossing them about in the enclosed area alot. Could this be preventing them from laying?
Im new to owning Chickens and new to this site. I was invited by a fellow chicken owner
I have three girls, Batman, Robin and The Yoker and have had them for about a fortnight now. Batman is a jubilee orpington, Robin is a splash orpington and The Yoker is a light sussex x orpington. The yoker has been laying eggs daily since she arrived but the orpington girls (about 4mths old) are yet to start laying.
At what age do they start to lay? Does anybody know?
Im worried that The Yoker is ruling the roost a bit as she seems to be bossing them about in the enclosed area alot. Could this be preventing them from laying?