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A few Questions if i may?


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  • A few Questions if i may?

    I have 3 chickens in an enclosed run area plenty big enough for them.
    I have read/heard many differing pieces of advice and would appreciate a bit of enlightenment. Thanks

    1) Do i need to include a pot of grit into their coop/run area?
    2) Should i be giving the used egg shells back to the chickens to eat?
    3) As well as their layers pellets, which im feeding at 130g per chicken per day, what daily additions to their diet should i definitely provide, other than fresh water?
    4) Is wing clipping a necessity?
    5) Any other advice re: absolute necessities gratefully received.

    Thanks so much for your time

  • #2
    Originally posted by Batgirl View Post
    Do i need to include a pot of grit into their coop/run area?
    have a go with your Search button (advanced search using key words).
    there are loads and loads and loads of chook threads answering your very questions.

    here's one to get you started:
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      There's usually grit included with the layers' pellets but a bit more mever hurts. Either in a pot of scattered where they can pick it up as they scrat about.
      Greens are good for them - ca few cabbage leaves hung in the run, or meybe broccoli - this helps to make the yolks nice and yellow.
      Some people like to give the shells back to the chickens - but if you do, make sure they are well baked to kill off bacteria and then ground up fine - and finally, if your run is enclosed (roof too) then you needn't clip wings. If you do - only do one per bird. It unbalances them so they fly funny!
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #4
        Quick answers from a non-expert;

        1) pot of grit - Could be a good idea if they don't get any elsewhere
        2) used egg shells back to eat - Baked crushed and added to feed is a good idea
        3) daily additions to their diet - Greens if they'll eat them, hand full of corn before bed
        4) Is wing clipping - Haven't done mine but will do as my fence is only 1.1m tall
        5) Any other advice - Read all you can inc search (above) and if in doubt keep asking on here, no one minds. Enjoy

        I type so slowly Aunty Flum got in before me lol!
        Last edited by Glutton4...; 18-02-2009, 12:58 PM.
        All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
        Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Batgirl View Post
          I have 3 chickens in an enclosed run area plenty big enough for them.
          I have read/heard many differing pieces of advice and would appreciate a bit of enlightenment. Thanks

          1) Do i need to include a pot of grit into their coop/run area?
          2) Should i be giving the used egg shells back to the chickens to eat?
          3) As well as their layers pellets, which im feeding at 130g per chicken per day, what daily additions to their diet should i definitely provide, other than fresh water?
          4) Is wing clipping a necessity?
          5) Any other advice re: absolute necessities gratefully received.

          Thanks so much for your time
          I reckon

          1) Yes
          2) I woudn't, in case they start pecking their own eggs. They'll love the taste, and you won't get any!
          3) Green stuff - cabbages, cauli leaves etc. They'll also love rice, pasta, potatoes and bread, but don't overdo it if they're not free ranging, or you'll end up with little porkers. Mixed corn and mealworms will go down a treat too, but again, these are high on calories
          4) Not if they're in a run.

          Hope that helps. I've only been keeping chooks myself for three or four months, so if anyone disagrees with any of the above, feel free to correct me!


          • #6
            Advice exactly the same as the others have said. None of my ex-batts have had their wings clipped and the fence to their run is only 2'6" high. They can quite easily hop over it if they wanted to, but they're a lazy bunch and can't be bothered The Black Stars and the Bluebelles have clipped wings, but I don't think I'll do it again after they've moulted and replaced those feathers

            About the egg shells, I grind them up very fine, almost powdery so they look nothing like eggs. I feed this to them mixed up in their mash.

            Any other advice? Oh yes, the biggy! They need lots and lots of love and attention (as you've probably found out already).
            My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


            • #7
              Ha ha that's brilliant .
              Thank you all so very much!
              Lovely to see you Hashette - cheers for the link to this website

              So far the girls have enjoyed a few broccoli stems, courgettes, sweetcorn and rice, but i wasn't sure really what was best for them.
              Re; The shells, im not so sure whether I'll bother as my mum in law also told me that they develop a taste for their own eggs then. I'll prob keep putting them in the compost instead.

              My little boy collected the eggs this morning and he was absolutely beaming when he opened the nesting box and found one there I love it!


              • #8
                I have had my girls since september and like you did a whole bunch of research! I give mine a bit of grit/oyster shell seperate to their feed, they like to peck at this! Mine arent keen on greens but they love corn on the cob which I cook up then hang up for them to peck at as I worry about boredom! They like some rice/pasta as well, not keen on boiled up peelings....sadly they are living up to their posh names....Trinny and Susannah! So only the best will suffice!
                Havent had my girls wings done, I have been told they are quite terratorial, so am hoping they wont hop into next doors garden!!
                I did read a website that says you can feed them back their own shells, they must be cooked in the oven really well, not sure about it me or does it seem a bit cannabalistic??!!
                Mine are making quite a racket at the this usual?? (Not just when laying, which I expected!)


                • #9
                  ha ha - they sound fab Curvychick. Mine love corn too, i'll defo be getting some on the cob so they can peck at it now. I hang the broccoli stem up for them and they seem to enjoy that.
                  My chickens aren't noisy, only The yoker when she has laid an egg or its about 6am and the coop isn't open yet
                  I can't wait for Batman and Robin to start laying.

                  My eggs from The yoker are gradually getting this usual. The yolk today was HUGE!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                    Quick answers from a non-expert;

                    I type so slowly Aunty Flum got in before me lol!
                    Yeah but did you spot the typos? That's what you get from typing fast (and not reading it first!
                    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

           Updated March 9th - Spring


                    • #11
                      A lot of the 'heavy breeds' deffo don't need there wings clipped as they can't get off the ground anyway! I am trying to hatch some Salmon Faverolles which, as Bephlan will no doubt tell you have very little of what could be classed as a 'wing' anyway...........a bit like a penguin!

                      I do give mine sand (of which they eat a lot!) and oystershell even though when feeding layers pellets it's not deemed necessary.
                      Talking of layers pellets, I believe they shouldn't have a measured portion but it should be available at all times to eat at will?

                      Feeding back oven cooked eggshells is a personal thing I's a case of "Can I be bothered?"...........I have done it once in the past and as long as they are cooked and ground up I don't think there's any proof that this could cause 'egg eating' especially if mixed in with there food!
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • #12
                        Mine also like fruit (the overripe stuff the children won't eat), grapes strawberry tops etc crusts of bread or toast, porridge for brekkie if it's cold, slugs that I find while weeding etc, the manky end of cucumber...

                        I only have my flighty white start clipped but prob won't once when she moults as I have never yet managed to catch her lol
                        Mine have a pot of grit and a pot of oyster shell and I also chuck some around as it gives them things to scratch for, helps with boredom hopefully


                        • #13
                          [quote=Batgirl;376217]Ha ha that's brilliant .
                          Thank you all so very much!
                          Lovely to see you Hashette - cheers for the link to this website


                          Oh it is you! Hi and welcome, glad I could lead you astray


                          • #14
                            I agree with the others...but truth is...if you're feeding a complete layers rights, you shouldn't need to give them anything else other than fresh water.

                            However, we all girls have a small tub of grit in their run area (despite having LOTS of grit naturally...they still use it). I give my girls some mixed corn at night (helps them regulate their body temp) and greens, meal worms, porridge etc if and when I feel like it.

                            The wing clipping really depends on the breed, etc. I have heavy birds, so flying isn't really an issue for me. They are so heavy - 11lbish - they can hardly get off the ground!!

                            The only other necessity is...PICTURES!!

                            Try not to worry about them too much - it's easier said than done, I spent the first few months worrying myself sick over everything...but they're much hardier than they may appear at first inspection!
                            Last edited by Bephlam; 18-02-2009, 08:12 PM.
                            I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

                            Our Blog -


                            • #15
                              Brilliant thanks!
                              I HAVE loaded pics on to the site but can't get them to show up....any ideas why?

                              Yes its me Hashette

                              About the food - i read in my book that Orpingtons shouldn't be overfed as they have a tendency to be lazy and they can get quite fat. My book suggested no more than 130g per day per full grown chicken. Should i not be doing this then? Should i be letting them have as much as they like. TBH though, this means i fill my feeder twice a week, which is actually all they are eating anyway.


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