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Warning:Getting pecked in the eyball REALLY hurts!!


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  • #16
    Ooooh, you have my sympathy Kirsty! My Dad keeps telling me to watch out when mine sit on my lap 'They like to peck eyes, you know!' he keeps saying. I didn't believe him. Do now lol

    Hope it's better soon.
    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


    • #17
      That sounds horrible, mine have so far only had my fingers and OH's bottom. Hope it heals quickly.
      I hate it when mine are eyeing me up with their beady little eyes lol.


      • #18
        The same thing happened to a friend of mine,that was when she said she realised why the saying "bird Brain" gets used as an insult lol!


        • #19
          ouchhh!!!! glad you're ok, get some goggles next time
          The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


          • #20
            ROFLMAOPMP needed that today

            Sorry hope it gets better soon


            • #21
              Oh no that's horrid, I hate anything touching my eyes so to me that would be very distressing. I do hope your drops work soon and you start to feel better.


              • #22
                It happened to me about six weeks ago. I bent down to clean one of the houses out, poked my head through the door and got a peck inthe eyeball. One of the batts had sneaked back in. Oh Agony. The doctor asked if I`d run its neck, trying not to laugh. I had to wear a patch. It does make you more carefull. I hope it getting a bit better. It hurts much more than you would think.


                • #23
                  Be prepared for odd effects later on. It may not happen the same way (different sort of injury) but I have a 'vitreous detachment' which I am convinced is the after-effect of when I got hit in the eye a couple of years ago. The symptom is a light flash on the edge of field of vision if I move my head (or change where I am looking) too quickly. I don't notice it in daylight, but it means I really HATE driving after dark these days!
                  Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                  • #24
                    OUCH Kirsty, shouldn't snigger 'cos it is bound to happen to me one day, hope you're feeling better this morning.

                    A couple of times I have been accidentally "head-butted" on the nose by my dog (elderly Beardie, ex-rescue, nearly 14 and arthritic) and the eye-watering PAIN of an unexpected sharp smack to the bridge of the nose ain't funny.

                    It results in an involuntary and loud "OUCH" which makes Ollie cringe 'cos he knows I'm hurt but he hasn't done it deliberately so there I am with a streaming nose and watering eyes trying to comfort a scaredy-cat canine and reassure him that Mummy Isn't Angry With Him, whilst I'm in agony . . .


                    • #25
                      Oh how I sympathise Bilbo - been there myself with my old Goldie. Hasn't happened for ages, luckily, as I usually get a Migraine the next day
                      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                      • #26
                        Eye much better now been using my drops like a good girl. Was a bit iffy for a day or so, had to avoid driving too cos eye would go funny with no warning and I wouldn't be able to see. Doc did show amusement (cos it is quite funny) and was pretty quick to say he would be interested in any eggs I've got going spare.
                        Kirsty b xx


                        • #27
                          Funny that! Everyone seems to think if you've got Hens then you've got 'spare' eggs - I tell them they're not 'spare' they're £1 for 6, cheeky wotsits!

                          Glad it's a bit better though Kirsty .
                          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                          • #28
                            I'll sent Attila the Hen round to have a word with your GP, he'll be laughing on the other side of his face after she's finished with him

                            Strange, isn't it, how they'll peck faces but hands are really terrifying. My lot hate being picked up, and will run a mile from my hands (unless they contain mealworms, in which case obviously they're perfectly acceptable). I was giving them treats today, and as I was in sweaty running gear I knelt down at their level. Lady Tottington got a bit close, so I decided to put my face on her back rather than my hands, so see if she'd accept it. Ouch


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