Thanks Beph - just seen yours - I love the blue but I think Himself would have a duck fit if I suggested more work!
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Working on the run
Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
The entrance is to the back right on the picture. It's not got a door on at present! I can do a pic later or maybe tomorrow - off out shortly for fun and frollicks! The back right corner post is wood, so we can attach hinges to it. After the space for the door there's an angle-iron post, as at the corners. I can give you more info when we've done it!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Story so far - softwood chippings down - chicken ladder up!
Next weekend it's pellets, grit, mixed corn and chickens!Attached FilesWhoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Looks absolutely great! Almost there, next weekend is just around the corner! I'm sure your girls will love it.
Never test the depth of the water with both feet
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
Er, attempt at serious question in amidst the silliness (sorry Flum!)
Experienced folk often talk about how efficiently hens can weed a vegetable garden of everything in their path (seedlings included).
Does this carpet bombing approach extend to Ground Elder of which we have more than enough to spare? And if hens can/do eat Ground Elder without any problems, will this eventually kill the damn stuff or just serve as a light pruning and thereby encorage more growth?
It looks great!! It'll be destroyed in no time!I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!
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Bilbo - I think they can eat ground elder ok. It's alright for people after all.
Bephlam - I KNOW they'll wreck it - that's why I've got photos of it looking nice!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
It all looks very impressive. Heard from local hen supplier that new chook delivery will be in at the end of the week, so I can collect at the weekend. Just a bit exited now, I feel like a mum to be! I've been shopping for all the paraphernalia they chooks need today.Just need to put coop in position and work out making the run bigger. My set up wont be half as impressive as yours Flummery, but us Stevenage girls are pretty good at making the best of things,silk purse- sows ear and all that!!!How does it go??They will be cosy though.Gardening forever- housework whenever
That's looking amazing Flum!
Only a week to go & the finishing touches will be in there....although I think you should keep the stone ones for a while longer & see how long before folks start talking!
Well done to you & Mr Flum!the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.
Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx
Yes, 2 more get-ups!
I've had a massively busy week, culminating in the spring judging of our village's Britain in Bloom efforts. For the first time I am the portfolio co-ordinator and general admin bod - I did it for years as a job so I got the short straw! This meant the judges met the group at my house, we did the tour of the village and then came back to us for home-made cake and tea/coffee. There was a mass turn out on the previous 2 days litter-picking etc, and I felt the burden of responsibility somewhat! I haven't let myself think about the chickens. Now that's over with till the July judging, I can really get excited! Roll on Sunday!!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
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